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Ian W. Bush

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Everything posted by Ian W. Bush

  1. Boi i when i was 13 years old i was making ror trucks and not repainting them. im js you need to get better at this stuff. dont post repaints because thats a type of begginer work.
  2. This thread turned into a roast session inbetween RoR drivers lmao. But after i got a controller aswell i started a new flow of Freestyles, i go big air, at least 2 saves, backflip, keep the momentum going, keep the flow of the run, and try to get some wow factor in there. I use to be an unrealistic love but i got better and I guess im like Scott Buetow/Linsey Weenk(when they dont love up) Kind of Guy. Not much of a racer but big freestyler.
  3. I have no problems at all with my 0.37 It works fine and all trucks and tracks work. I have both 0.39 and 0.37 installed. But i would say get 0.39 it works a bit better
  4. Stadium Wise: The RedZone logo goes on that Blank Wall and theres 2 More Seat levels (Suite Section and High Seat Section) Those are really easy to make on Blender and the trons each are different scale so dont use the same trons. Also there should be one opening about the size of a Monster truck on both Sides of the bottom of the Red Zone (Right and left) And the barricades and turn cars will have to be pushed out further up (like what nks said) Blender building wise tips i can message
  5. Did u seriously steal my pictures of the track i built on Roblox ? xD Thx for asking for my persmission.
  6. I requested one and actually got my request accepted. Now someones actually "making one" Unless he quit which i honestly dont care
  7. Be patient and stop requesting Mcgruff of the trucks posted by ppl u know. It'll come one day just be patient.
  8. Nice truck but the painting on it.... no...
  9. rapegod Thank you so much for this track i was getting mad i couldnt play this
  10. Im pretty suren someone else already made this a few months ago
  11. Add those new Mohawk Warrior rims to it.
  12. Uh oh the Invasion of SSTS Trucks comes to RIgs of Rods! Hey Colt, quick request, make Indestructible ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  13. Me droge de tanto manejar esto no mames xD Great truck
  14. No one likes that queer. Takes peoples projects, claims he made em, grabs a truck, slaps decals on it and says he made it and he took time on it. gg MonsterQueerSeriesTV
  15. Name: McGruff The Crime Dog Body:2010 Ford Super Duty Chassis:PEI Tires: BKT's Paint (images of color/graphics):http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/monstertruck/images/c/c2/13-monster-jam-trucks-world-finals-2016-pit-party-monsters-monthly-sam-boyd-stadium-las-vegas-nevada.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160529022433 https://scontent-amt2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/c180.0.720.720/12677611_1698184783784725_909064332_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4NTY0MDA5MTA0MjY2MTY2MQ%3D%3D.2.c https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12716874_1690913814523566_292322082_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE5NjU2MTgxMTM1NDEwOTY2Ng%3D%3D.2 Other details:Rod Wood(McGruff Driver) is One of the oldest Monster Jam independents. He is a native to Tuscon, Arizona. This truck hasn't been made in a LONG time on RoR and i would love to see it return.
  16. Ian W. Bush


    First Download and Comment AWESOME TRUCK
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