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[FUN RUN] Barcelona Monster Outlaws

Doomed User

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I'm gonna try this again after Bloomsburg failed.

Barcelona is an outdoor circuit track that throws you through tunnels, over bridges, and across huge jumps. This particular track was used in the Monster Outlaws series on Sim-Monsters.

I'm only requiring 8 sign-ups for this course as usual, and this time, the date will be posted. Server will be given in pre-event group chat.

The event will consist of qualifying, racing, and freestyle. Racing lineup will be determined through qualifying, and freestyle lineup will be determined through racing.


Date: Saturday, July 16th, 2016

Time: 8 PM EST


Please post a form with your sign up info like below:




Please stay within the v4 pack and the Chris Hamilton/Edy Beltran update pack to make sure everyone can see your truck without having to download it.


Qualifying rules:

  • I will message you one by one to qualify before the event starts. This will most likely start at about 12 PM EST so I can get your times in early and have time to arrange the brackets.
  • I will give you multiple shots at showing up for qualifying. Two will be when your designated time arrives, one once everyone has qualified, and one approximately an hour after everyone has qualified.
  • If you do not show up for qualifying, you will not participate in the run and the opponent will have a bye-run. If you show up during racing, you will spectate and declare winners. If you show up in time for freestyle, you will go first.


Racing rules:

  • False starts will result in a DQ.
  • A countdown will be given by the bot in the server via spectator.
  • A spectator will determine the winner. There will be most likely more than one spectator, so being bias will most likely get you ruled out.
  • Flipping your truck for any reason will result in a DNF (backspace is not allowed).
  • Getting your tires stuck on the barrels will result in a DNF. You will not be able to win the race anyway


Freestyle rules:

  • Each run will be 90 seconds and timed by a spectator.
  • You will line up at the start line of your choice of lane. A bot will count you in.
  • Flipping your truck for any reason will result in a DNF (backspace and hack/spin saving is not allowed).
  • False starts will result in a recount and you will start over.
  • I will select 2 judges to give you a score on your run. Each of their scores is out of 10, so the total will add to a total of 20.
  • Do not complain over your score. If your run sucked, it sucked.
  • If you get your truck stuck on a barrel, you have 10 seconds to get it unstuck and continue your run.


Other than that, have fun!

I will post brackets and such when qualifying is complete.

Please post below if the time and date do not comply for you.

Here is a video to explain how the course should be taken for each lane. For the red lane, begin at 0:00. For the blue lane, begin at 1:30.


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