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Hello there, i want to talk about something with some of you guys. I've recently seen how the "asking for something" and arguments about it and similar topics have been growing. So i wanted to do a little talk abot this topics.

First, lets talk about asking/begging for stuff topic. Firstly i wanna quote Johan from Show Your Projects 47:

"sigh.... this place is becoming a joke. Sorry to say it but it is. Can't go on SYP anymore without having a whole 2 page mash up on someone asking for sh.it. its pathetic. You'd think after the numerous of instances where this happens, members would realize not to ask for stuff here. But guess not."

And he is rigth, Show Your Projects is supposed to be a thread where everyone show, their projects.

Quoting HotShoe: 

"It's not uncommon for any WIP posted in this topic or any previous topics to change and evolve over time. As listed in this topic, and in many other topics listed many times in the past (which quickly devolves into a number of people beating their heads into the same wall with their words falling on deaf ears), other factors get in the way of completing or "perfecting" a project. Other times, it takes a long time to "perfect" that project before the creator deems it fit for release. I myself used to spend months on a solitary piece to "perfect" it, and iron out the kinks."

You guys who ask for stuff on there need to understand that, the people who create content for this game & community, apart from wanting our projects to have a good quality and have a good performance for you, we, have a life, we are not the kind of people who just sits there and stays in front of the computer 24/7, as well, we are not slaves.

I do understand people are curious about when the stuff is coming out and that. But this has been issued many times, Show Your Projects, Help & Support, OffTopic or any ither forums i here are for asking about "release dates" (That we don't even use) or stuff. And neither PM's are, they are a good way to contact someone, but it's kind of annoying getting a PM's asking about when something is going to be done, released or similar.

You know who you are, and if you do this kind of thing, please, stop it. It's annoying.

And also, if you don't even make content, don't even nice lady about how "slow" and "lazy" people who do are, who are you to judge us?

I would like to hear your opinions on the topic. What can we do to fix it? How cna we make awerenes? Etc. And please don't start any argumens, be polite.


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I think the moderators / admins do a great job of keeping this website and community running, but I think stricter rules should be in place regarding the asking and begging. If someone asks or begs for something, maybe a warning should be issued and if the person continues to beg or complain about stuff not being finished take away posting abilities for a period of time. I don't run this site and it's better for the mods to deal with this issue, but I've been seeing the same as Edy with people constantly begging and then getting defensive and harassing other content makers when they tell them to stop begging. 

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Well, it also doesn't help that faking their age is a pretty big issue too, lots of kids do it to get in and request stuff, its shown through all of the miscreated beg post's all over the place.

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i think the begging is bad but if someone wants to know if someone is making something its not as all bad but i dont think syp is the right place to put it thats why we have the help forums

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I also believe that stricter policies need to be put in place on this issue. I'm not a moderator nor do I hold any position on this site, but I do try my best to ask people to stop begging to help out those authorities. We've had way too many repeat offenders, and warnings and suspensions really should be given out more often. It's bad enough that we have people constantly begging, but when they deny it and lash back at people who ask them to stop and go as far as calling them stupid and asking them to leave (That happened to me, see the Dragon Thread...), they've crossed a line. I've made content for the site, but it's nowhere near the quality of some of the other works on this site, so my stuff isn't necessarily "in high demand" for me to have to deal with noobs begging for my stuff, but I totally get the fact that it's annoying (It's annoying for me to read the public posts...) and that things really should change around here because of it. I'm curious to see if any off these kids will actually take time to read this thread and if they'll even try to chime in and in a way "justify their crimes". 

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2 hours ago, monsterjam1 said:

thats why we have the help forums

No, the help forums are for getting help with a problem pertaining to Rigs of Rods, Blender, etc. If someone wants something to be made, they should make a proper request in the appropriate forum. If someone is already making it, they can just post in that thread saying so. 

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24 minutes ago, litl_e_fan said:

No, the help forums are for getting help with a problem pertaining to Rigs of Rods, Blender, etc. If someone wants something to be made, they should make a proper request in the appropriate forum. If someone is already making it, they can just post in that thread saying so. 


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Meh, I do not get overly annoyed with people asking about things being made, most of the time they are new to the site (and since they are generally underage) do not understand how to use the search function or what is proper posting etiquette. It does get a bit trying to see some who have stuck around and continue to beg but I realized even back in 2008 when I was still a part of the dying MTM2 modding scene that this kind of stuff happens regardless if you are strict or lax in policing it. Be too strict and you kill off the 1 in a 100 chance that member might stick around making stuff (acdcfan is the best example of this). Be too lax and regular members start to get ruffled enough to stop making or releasing content.

My advice? Just ignore the mindless sheep but at the sametime it is not fair to punish many because of the act of a few...

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I can understand what it feels like to be a newbie. It feels weird to have come this far for me to being a brat who asked for so much sh!t to someone who makes his own stuff and helps around here and there. But I don't get to caught up anymore, I just breathe and move along. Best thing is to guide them a bit and see if they like making their own stuff or teach them to be patient. I've had many members teacher me that.

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Just going to put this out there. The large amount of people I talk to on Skype who make tracks and trucks and who have an account on here say everyone is "annoying and full of $hit." I feel stricter rules would make people hate this website even more. I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense). Most people on here, Not just admins or mods, Need some major attitude adjustments. For example, If you make one mistake you are immediately hated among everyone and if your new to site, you are considered to be the worlds stupidest person. As for the asking for when tracks are going to be done, I do not see what could be wrong with as long as it is not asked repetitively by the same person. People should have the right to know when they will be filled with happiness to have a new truck or track to drive or drive on.

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19 minutes ago, 1029Eric said:

Just going to put this out there. The large amount of people I talk to on Skype who make tracks and trucks and who have an account on here say everyone is "annoying and full of $hit." I feel stricter rules would make people hate this website even more. I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense). Most people on here, Not just admins or mods, Need some major attitude adjustments. For example, If you make one mistake you are immediately hated among everyone and if your new to site, you are considered to be the worlds stupidest person. As for the asking for when tracks are going to be done, I do not see what could be wrong with as long as it is not asked repetitively by the same person. People should have the right to know when they will be filled with happiness to have a new truck or track to drive or drive on.

I'm going to assume that some members on here may not be the most pleasant when someone messes up is because a lot of us see it multiple times from many people and it gets annoying to tell two-three people a day to not do something. The site has a rulebook and many people don't bother to read it upon signing up. What is annoying about asking for release times is that I, along with many other members here, don't browse SYP to see "when will it be released." We browse to see new projects. And most content makers will not know a release time because they just don't, it's that simple. A content maker doesn't know if they'll get to spend a whole day making a track or an hour out of that day. Maybe makers don't want to spend a whole day making tracks, because people have other hobbies and family. As Edy stated above, he isn't going to place a Blender file over his life.It's plain and simple, content makers will not know when they will release something.

When the mods and admins take time to write threads displaying the rules, how to make a request, and why you shouldn't do something on here and you have members going and breaking those rules or ignoring the recommendations, it can be very annoying because they spend time trying to make it convenient for newbies so that they can avoid having to scold them, yet they have to because they didn't spend the time to read those rules.

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20 minutes ago, 1029Eric said:

Just going to put this out there. The large amount of people I talk to on Skype who make tracks and trucks and who have an account on here say everyone is "annoying and full of $hit." I feel stricter rules would make people hate this website even more. I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense). Most people on here, Not just admins or mods, Need some major attitude adjustments. For example, If you make one mistake you are immediately hated among everyone and if your new to site, you are considered to be the worlds stupidest person. As for the asking for when tracks are going to be done, I do not see what could be wrong with as long as it is not asked repetitively by the same person. People should have the right to know when they will be filled with happiness to have a new truck or track to drive or drive on.

OK first off, people do have the right to ask, but for some reason, people like you think every thing has a release date on a project. What kind of world do you think this is? Things are done when they're done. That's what everyone had literally gone by for as long as ANYONE can remember. And I can understand a newbie "hating" the Admins or Moderators, I was in your shoes too. But they know what's right and what's wrong, they know the rule book well enough to be in the positions they're in... And I can't thank enough for all the f$%king sh!t they put up with us. Even people like me for God's sakes! Really guys, thank you for what you have done for this community. But don't just go around spreading rumors saying project makers are saying,"everyone is "annoying and full of $hit."" It's the crap like this that's making this community turn on each other in bad way.

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33 minutes ago, 1029Eric said:

Just going to put this out there. The large amount of people I talk to on Skype who make tracks and trucks and who have an account on here say everyone is "annoying and full of $hit." I feel stricter rules would make people hate this website even more. I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense). Most people on here, Not just admins or mods, Need some major attitude adjustments. For example, If you make one mistake you are immediately hated among everyone and if your new to site, you are considered to be the worlds stupidest person. As for the asking for when tracks are going to be done, I do not see what could be wrong with as long as it is not asked repetitively by the same person. People should have the right to know when they will be filled with happiness to have a new truck or track to drive or drive on.

Echoing what Hagan and bkelley said, We work on projects when we 1. Have time to work on them and 2. Feel like it. It's the same thing for running in events. Everyone here has a personal life outside of their computer monitors. Some are busier and more involved than others. Now, when people beg, sometimes it's the same person constantly doing it but other times it's a build up of multiple individuals asking one time that adds up into constant begging. You'll get that truck or track eventually, but you need to be patient. Just because something might look done in the SYP thread doesn't mean that it is in fact done and ready for release. 

Now, you say that people need attitude adjustments around here, and I agree. But, you can't throw that out there unless you yourself are willing to fix yours, because calling me stupid and demanding that I leave this site is uncalled for, and incredibly disrespectful. 

Making one mistake doesn't make you automatically hated. Most of the common mistakes that we see are simply because people don't tour the site to understand where things are, what each section is for and where posts should be made. In some cases, members will post and try to help out the new folks, but when they blatantly disregard everything they were told and make the same exact mistake again, our irritation levels with that person increase. A lot of us turn into backseat mods to help out the official guys with controlling the site and helping out the new guys. 

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1 hour ago, 1029Eric said:

I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense). 

I mean, you do you, but you have never actually interacted with us. You don't actually know us and what we are actually like. We have to, and have had to, deal with repeated stupid crap that could very easily be avoided if new members bothered to read the rules. We aren't yelling at you, it's just we see multiple of the same thing every day, and it kind of needs to come off blunt so people get the idea to stop doing what they are doing.

Feel however you want, but to hate us because we are doing our job is quite ignorant.

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