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About This File

Adam Anderson's Grave Digger 35, quite possibly the last Cohen chassis digger ever. Sunk quite a bit of detail into this, hope y'all enjoy it.



Blaise: Assembly, Body adjustments, Tire adjustments, Texture adjustments, 4link adjustments, NodeBeam,  Sounds, MSD box,

Micah: Paint

Mark C : Shock Models

Jack Merkle: help here and there, testing

Kozak: Original Chassis model

Klayton: Original Tire models, Original Axles, Original Knuckles

Harlow: Original Body

SM Community: Any other items I may have not listed 


Versions include:

SEMA - Featuring Purple 4link bars, swaybars, Zoomie headers, and a Custom paint

Season - Featuring the regular FELD parts, and Jim McShays 2019 paint

Qualifying - Featuring the regular FELD parts, essentially the Season truck with only a hood and GraveDigger Lexan panels



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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

great work man, as always


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Fred Shafer Approves


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   2 of 5 members found this review helpful 2 / 5 members

I'll be the first to point out, this truck handles insanely great. A blast to drive and really nice touch with more of the truck being contactable. SM and certain other  updated graphics are good.

I will say tho, there are a one thing missing and a few incorrect.


In-cab leg safety guards i believe made from steel tubing.


wrong style RII lights, Planetary covers, black backed sponsor plate, sway bar arms, wrong shock models, ran normal Roman Numerals, grey tie rod just to name the more immediate errors.

To add: some more time put in, and we would've had a better outcome. The stuff i noted are pretty easy and quick fixes, so a bit disappointing they weren't included already.


I'd say the saving grace for this truck was definitely the handling, shock, & N/B work. So fun to drive which is what we're all here for to begin with. You're one of our top content creators and i believe this truck, at least cosmetically, doesn't show that. Good job tho nonetheless...

Response from the author:

Seems like simple stuff I missed, will update when i got a chance, also seems like the sponsor plates and RII's were changed recently, as when i first finished this they were as they appear on my truck


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

I love how the truck handles, but now some files aren't appearing suddenly for the qualifying version of this truck.

Response from the author:

Use the Drop down menu to select over versions. 

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