About This File
Adam Anderson's Grave Digger 35, quite possibly the last Cohen chassis digger ever. Sunk quite a bit of detail into this, hope y'all enjoy it.
Blaise: Assembly, Body adjustments, Tire adjustments, Texture adjustments, 4link adjustments, NodeBeam, Sounds, MSD box,
Micah: Paint
Mark C : Shock Models
Jack Merkle: help here and there, testing
Kozak: Original Chassis model
Klayton: Original Tire models, Original Axles, Original Knuckles
Harlow: Original Body
SM Community: Any other items I may have not listed
Versions include:
SEMA - Featuring Purple 4link bars, swaybars, Zoomie headers, and a Custom paint
Season - Featuring the regular FELD parts, and Jim McShays 2019 paint
Qualifying - Featuring the regular FELD parts, essentially the Season truck with only a hood and GraveDigger Lexan panels