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Everything posted by JJfan48

  1. Windows XP Professional FTW!!! -250th Post!
  2. That laugh is scary! but he already went after me. I still have the scares from him when I 'stole' a pic of Prowler.
  3. As a great admin would say, "The Ban Hammer is getting heavy" Just kidding
  4. I think a good way to prevent over 40 people in one event to schedule drivers to an event instead of having 40 trucks qualifying in the time that could have been used to do an event with side shows Just my opinion and I think RoR Freestyle Mania (Old league which died years ago) did that.
  5. The FBI is on their way to your house. RUN
  6. Make sense. And WoW... Sunday... 5 days left
  7. What is the point of a separate suspension? Anyways its a cool idea and I like the way it looks. The body kind of look like a hybrid of a Late Model and a Ford GT.
  8. The Telenor looks like a lot of fun, nice job man!
  9. JJfan48

    Freestyle Jam

    RockCrwlr , no just no one can beat your track making skills.
  10. If you make it, then its ok to release it. If its someone elses then its well... not ok to release it.
  11. Correction $594,288 not $595,000
  12. JJfan48


    There is an online one for free, but it doesnt record sound from your computer its called Screencast-O-Matic http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/screen_recorder
  13. HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS!!! The projects are epic!!!
  14. This is why, we can't have nice things.
  15. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1mb/ One for Silverwolf http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1mz/ Crack Patrick http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1oq/ Roach meme http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1q9/ We all have been here http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1r7/ Computer Vista issue http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qh1v4/
  16. I have just made a sound pack for my mtm friends here and the sound keep cutting out when it goes to repeat the it. What is causing this and how do I stop it so you guys can have these mtm2 sounds?
  17. I said I had project... should be done in a day or two
  18. JJfan48


    "Or both, BAZINGA!" -Sheldon
  19. JJfan48


    I got a good joke
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