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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Clothes, body wash & cologne, new headphones(belated bday gift), Eradicator MT T-shirt, 2 seasons of Family Guy and the Christmas special, The Expendables, food/snacks, cash, Jeff Dunham Christmas tree ornaments and a talking Achmed headknocker, Battlefield 2 collection from Liquid.
  2. As the title says... I'll post mine later since we're here waiting for my sister to get home from work, but I figured some of you guys could start posting. Merry Christmas all!
  3. Congratulations you are the 43rd person to point out Savage X is missing a headlight! You win...nothing.
  4. It's in the RORMJ Allmonsters Eve pack.
  5. Looks fun Crazy, you guys should really give him some credit for my truck considering he did most of the work to get it to look so good, I just supervised.
  6. OK since no one can fucking read thread stays locked until Monday at 12AM. And Eric....lose the attitude.
  7. I just deleted 23 posts that had absolutely nothing positive to contribute to this thread. If i have to do that again it's gone. No I did not state it was strictly ROR but I would have thought (and hoped) some of you were smart enough to figure out that hey it's in the NON MONSTER TRUCK RIGS OF RODS section but apparently not. So as of right now 1:11PM EST 11/16/2010 it is STRICTLY RIGS OF RODS. Week 2 will begin on MONDAY at 12:00AM. IF YOU ALREADY ENTERED FOR WEEK 2 PLEASE RE ENTER MONDAY NO EARLIER THAN 12:00AM EST
  8. Best way to convert is use the sketchup pro trial and export to something blender can read (.3ds or .obj are comon) then you just import in blender. BTW that's the most space I've ever seen behind a seat in a rollcage.
  9. Because they're taken already, just like Brutus is; READ the first post in this thread before you sign up please.
  10. You should reread post #1 if you think that.
  11. Week 1 winner - JRobson, congrats Jordan! Week 2 entries are now open.
  12. You guys are idiots, he already stated that he doesn't know WHY it happens or how to fix it.
  13. RKM

    Music thread

    I'll just leave this right here.
  14. Thread moved, also if you want us to help you to the best of our ability you need to tell us what you need help with not just a thread name and 6 word post.
  15. Thread cleaned up from the 7 posts asking for a download link... track will be released when it's done (my guess is sometime tonight to kick off qualifying) due to the Euro league being 2 weeks behind now it's no longer going to be the debut league for new tracks that will now be the main league.
  16. Posting this here since Jordo is in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwR690wfwV8
  17. Looks great Danny but the red outline still seems to be rather vivid/brighter then what I remember the truck having.
  18. If you have the dust option on, turn it OFF. Makes my game crash whenever the tires contact a mesh of any kind.
  19. It can be done in many different ways, I personally love the user controlled lights via CTRL+1,2,3 etc since it's virtually lag free compared to the normal M lights. Search around the main RoR forums for tow-trucks or firetrucks and you should be able to find some good examples. I need to learn a lot of things...
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