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Block last won the day on March 16 2023

Block had the most liked content!

About Block

  • Birthday 07/08/1999

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Blake Thompson No Warning It no done yet BlockThot
  2. Name: Blake Thompson Discord: BlockThot Day preferred competing (Monday or Tuesday):either Truck: Gunslinger Backup Truck: NWo Backup Truck 2:Bearfoot
  3. Blake thompson Blockthot
  4. Blake Thompson blockthot Reptoid
    my truck being in the photo is enough for 5 stars
  5. Version 1


    Not having this truck on a meents chassis is a crime against me but, Here is Hypershock version 2 for RORMTL!
  6. Name: Blake Thompson Truck Name:Hypershock Discord:blockthot Logo (PNG) (Not Required Yet): Theme Song:
  7. Name:Blake Thompson Discord (Must be enrolled into RORSCS on the Sims Discord):blockthot Hometown:Columbus Ohio 3 Preferred Trucks: MaxD Neil Monster Energy Coty(DEV) Legend Preferred Night of Competing, not guaranteed : whatever night st2 is (I am a WNB dev)
  8. Version 1


    This was the special scheme we came up with for this years MJL world finals! Everything is just from Marcelos Max D pack but the paint was made from @Steele. This special 20th anniversary paint scheme represents Toms full career with murals from trucks and mud trucks past, with ear tear and metal opening is another moment in history for Tom. This truck treated me well for MJLSS world finals where most consider my freestyle to be the best of the night despite coming up short in the judges eyes, even though i couldnt claim a trophy(should have won freestyle all day but its okay) i was able to finish second in both freestyle and high jump. please enjoy this special rendition of max d.
  9. Blake Thompson Hypershock blockthot
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