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Casey Graves

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Everything posted by Casey Graves

  1. I think someone has spent a little too much time at openspeedway or mr. norms. People normally take leagues seriously, us especially you dont really see any other league with 40 lead changes in a race with very few cautions. Anyway to get this topic back on track there should be a patch coming out in the next few weeks with some major updates to gameplay which should make it more enjoyable to race against the ai, havnt tried online yet but im sure its like ever other console racing game and people glitch all over the track and its near impossible to not netcode wreck em
  2. Ill be at this one for sure, unless i get called into work which is unlikely
  3. Just to start of with, the stadium is way too big. Also your layout is not really close object wise to the real thing. Just me being a critic tho
  4. The clock on the hood goes 3,4,5,6,12,11,10
  5. Prolly in the 40k range if I would have to guess
  6. Not 100% sure if I can make this one, I might have something going on that night but I dont remember
  7. I would definitely get it Auz, I'll probably start playing it again when i get tired of Tiger 12
  8. Only a handful of people have mics here, we have a teamspeak up on race nights so we can do our broadcasts but aim seems to work alot better for communication between everyone
  9. Yea we actually talked about doing this before when we first started, making and offline and online version but the amount of work it would take to place all those cars one by one would just take too long and would be really frustrating.
  10. They came out pretty good Jordan, i take it your running graphics tweaker tho also?
  11. They can choose, and I have no idea yet for season 3 tbh
  12. The top truck in overall points from the custom series will be the only one invited to the World Finals. ARF has is right but its gonna be the top 12 in points plus previous champions will be locked in, for the first 3 races the locked in drivers will be based off last seasons points in the replica series only, custom will be everyone for themselves for qualifying in for the first 3 races
  13. More than likely the trucks currently up for download will be useless, there is gonna be some edits to the physics and those will only be allowed to run if they have the new stuff on them
  14. Yea theres a high line at most tracks that have it. Its really easy unless you put it on the hardest difficulty, then its insanely hard but the drivers run alot more realistically. The one thing that really irritates me when playing it is when you spin the yellow doesnt come out. Josh theres gonna be a patch with all the new stuff soon. Im pretty happy with it though, its got alot of potential.
  15. Its a green base with a purple chrome spec file
  16. Idk why you wouldnt have, they have brought so many more good drivers and new trucks into the industry and put out 300+ shows a year
  17. Yes you have to qualify in for each show, we are gonna have a lock in system based off points more than likely also
  18. Nitro Circus and Madusa have them, they use them as ride trucks for only a couple people and you can actually drive them all out with the people riding
  19. as Jack said 2 motorhomes plus theres a box van, should be one of if not the best world finals ever
  20. Yea it will be qualify in, and Koth is just gonna take a break until after the season
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