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Files posted by IceCreamMan13

  1. IF YOU HAVE TIME Have a read: p.s Truck is very very stand-alone.
    I have experimented with the NAMT truck settings and honestly believe that they are the best thing uploaded to this site since the beginning. I don't compete with custom trucks, but I wanted to create trucks using this template because of how unbelievably fun it is to drive using the NAMT settings. This truck uses unmodified CRD NAMT settings. Also uses all of the props included with the Builder's pack.
    Also wanted to say Hello to the community again... Last posted here about 4 years ago. 
    This is Todd Leduc's Monster Energy circa 2020, Before you say that the tires are 2nd gen BKTs not 3rd gen, Todd uses the 2nd gen ones still to this day. Everything is picture referenced, shouldn't be any problems. This uses Kozak's brand new chassis model. See credits below.
    Wanted to note: all work on this truck was done in Blender 2.49 (a 11 year old program) and it was Hell.
    Credit to Google for the H.E.B. Flag
    718 0
  2. Hi, my first track uploaded to SM, and probably the most randomest track.

    wall , all vehicle and smokestack textures by the one and only RockCrwlr
    red concrete pole, walmart entrance and logo from Google
    concrete texture from the SM team
    parking lot texture from Aaron Lurie
    tree texture from Edy

    @ Liquidfire, srry man, I couldnt find a better texture for the entrance.
    I got rid of half the trees i had in the pic in S.Y.P, and it really helped get rid of lag.
    786 5
  3. since Raphael was all alone in Monster jam, I thought I'd make the rest of the teenage mutant ninja turtles!

    Body(model): SM, graphics slightly edited by me
    chassis: SM
    cloning: Me
  4. Credits-

    chassis- V4 team
    body modeling- V4 team
    body part placing (and skin editing)- Me
    Flag texturing and placing- me

    For this truck, I placed teh Blue Thunder graphics on the toxic skin, then took the rear, and front cab thingies off the original Blue Thunder and placed them on the Toxic Body model. The Built Ford Tough flag textures are from Google.
    968 6
  5. Here is the Original MaxD!

    Body: Box5diesel
    Chassis: V4 team
    cloning: me\
    Metro PCS Flag: me, original flag model from v4

    I missed anyone, my apologies
    1,406 9
  6. this was the first truck that i modified in photoshop cs5.

    body: like i said old paint from Conner Richardson,but the model is from V4
    chassis: V4 team
    1,028 4
  7. this is the chevy version of El matador that Daron ran in the 2011 season.

    Body: V3 makers
    chassis: V4 Makers
    cloning: me
    750 3
  8. this is the truck that she ran in 2011 and nearly did consecutive backflips at WF12.

    Body: V4 team (however slightly edited by me)
    chassis: V4 Team
    cloning: me
    640 0
  9. i present to you the long lost MaxD with the PEI chassis!

    Body: Box5Diesel
    Chassis: V4 team
    cloning: me

    If anyone could tell me when this truck ran, or who drove it, i'd highly appreciate it.
    888 4
  10. here's another classic truck, brutus that ran wf6 and wf7.

    body: Box5Diesel
    chassis: V4 Team
    cloning: me
    856 0
  11. another truck upload, this was extremely easy to make.

    body: (paint & sculpt) V4 Team
    chassis: V4 Team
    cloning: me
    mini: V4 Team

    This is the truck that Dennis Drove in the GD bad to the bone encore.
    It's Gary Porter's chassis.
    i made the purple a tad bit darker, as well.

    Do enjoy!
    1,084 3
  12. hi, another upload to the site, this one i know that many people have probably wanted made.

    Body by the V4 team (graphics my me)
    chassis by v4 team

    this is the Blacksmith that Pablo drove in '02

    UPDATE: added USHRA graphic to rear
    532 0
  13. hi, another replica truck to fool around with, this one I started a while ago.

    Chassis: V4 team
    Body: (graphics: Me) V4 team

    the only things that bugged me about this truck is the grill on the front, and the face on the top.
    just couldnt find any pics of em'.
    1,006 3
  14. hi, kinda early for me to upload a file, but i was just so exited when i actually cloned this.

    The body was made by the SM team
    chassis made by the SM team
    cloning by me


    this is the max d that Tom Meents used in East Rutherford P.O.D 2012 to make a double backflip record,
    but failed. currently, this is the max d body on the meentsdozer chassis. (i dont really know what the actual chassis were, just know they were different than tom's original)
    1,134 4
  15. easy truck.

    chassis: v4 team
    body: model by v4 team (graphics placed by me, original graphics from Wolo)

    527 2
  16. Here's this thing.
    Here's credits.

    Body, tires, shocks- Klayton
    axle, engine and fuel cell- Matt
    Chassis tubing-Kozak
    fire extinguisher, RII Box, cab switches- Chris
    most V5 Parts- Johan
    putting all of it together- me
    most other stuff- V4
    Rear steer motor- Dan Don
    1,729 8
  17. Credits:

    Crazy: ISP seat, and some other parts
    Chris: fire extinguisher, switches, RII box, and other numerous parts
    Johan: Fuel cell, original body paint (?), Rims, and all other V5 Parts
    Kozak: Chassis tubing
    Klayton: Tires, and probably some other stuff
    Ryan: gauges, and some other V4 parts
    Matt: Axles (?)
    Rear steer motor- Daniel Donelly
    Apologies if I forgot someone.

    Have fun with it, to note, this is the 2013 version with the Jazz fuel cell, might update it if you guys want (Personally like it better with the Jazz cell).
    924 5
  18. credits-
    original body model- SM v4 team
    editing the body, eye stocks and nose- me
    paint- me, logo from google, edited by me

    If I ever sign up for a league, this will be my truck.
    have fun using it
  19. relatively easy pack, made a while ago.

    bodys: v4 team, activision (all 5 of the bodys slightly edited by me)
    chassis: v4 team
    tires: (model) v4 team, (texture) me

    I hope these do enjoy, best t use on Klayton's Miami 12, until someone makes Jacksonville 04, or Tampa 08. (even though they represent trucks from Miami 2012)
    I may upload a later version with muddy chassis, muddy axles and driveshafts.

    I missed anyone, my apologies.
    1,215 5
  20. simple truck, I used the body from the v2 pack

    body: V3 creators (body: liquidfire/mtm2)
    chassis: v4 creators

    i did edit the body a little bit, didnt really like the original.
    1,124 7
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