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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Best part of BeamNG is that it;s the same people as RoR making it so we know what to expect somewhat in terms of modding.
  2. Ror is actually pretty slow for a game. The engine is atleast 9 years old if I remember correctly, and isn't really fit to run things that it does dry well anymore. As an example, BeamNG is better optimized, and according to devs, runs faster than ROR.
  3. You have no clue how much respect you gained from me. Offtopic: Don't know if you saw Pit, but there is a rare Datsun 510 on Louisville's Craigslist for $750 in need of literally a full restoration. If i had money, I would buy it. On-topic: Starting drivers ed sometime in the next... year. "my" car is going to be an '05 Sequoia... I don't have any pictures of it, but it looks basically identical to this.
  4. First to guess place and year gets a cookie (lolnotreally) No, saying the certain famous event that happened here does not count.
  5. And... Rock changed my gender to female. And I can't change it back... Needless to say, I hope this gets fixed. EDIT: He changed my member title to #1 Madusa Fan too... :|
  6. Interesting thought, I think if people like it enough, and if it is possible, the next step could be BeamNG (inb4 controversy). And do you have any information about what Project Monster was? I had never heard of it before...
  7. DAMMIT SNAKE SNAKE (if you dont get it http://24.media.tumblr.com/2597ac2abbd8193c319cb621131a898b/tumblr_mlqdtwwwd71s9n885o1_500.png)
  8. ...The demo is actually pretty cool. I enjoy it a lot, just because you can only drive one truck doesn't mean it's bad.
  9. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/407912/microsoft-confirms-pre-owned-fee-for-xbox-one/ HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nope.
  10. Honestly, I highly doubt kane is a permanent driver, I mean even Frank Krmel is a better driver, and he drives superman in Quincy... I guess time will tell, I honestly think chuck should drive it instead, even though that probably won't happen.
  11. Fun fact: This truck has been outfitted and is now a ride truck in Wisconsin
  12. I also want to point out, if you are using Cohen's/CRD's, its pretty easy to throttle it into a turn and slide to where you want to go with some practice. Another thing i noticed is that you were turning the wheels every now and then while you were hitteing ramps... that'll flip you over.
  13. Name: Retro Rocker Chassis: Cohen Body: maybe The new Terminator one? Color: Something like the one on S-M Tires: SIR's Rims: Sexy ones Shocks: Ones that work Engine: Probably a very, very heavily modified 2JZ ( ;p )
  14. Stephen, that truck should be driven by one of the actual Bigfoot drivers. honestly one of the best looking trucks I've seen on SYP in quite a while.
  15. Get stuck on a jammer. Always works for me.
  16. @above, thanks for the input, but that was as low as the filter let me go unfortunately :/
  17. It's really hard to explain, if I were you I would practice with different ways to drive, and find the one you like rather than ask others how they do it, many people use things other than keyboards so you may get some things that won't work too.
  18. MOUNTAINEER IN ROOKIE? BLASPHEMY! Then again rookie matches my skill level well...
  19. I decided against the filter i had, what do you think of this?
  20. Original: Mine: A bit too blurry around the words, ideas for fixing that?
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