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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. 38 is stable, but you need to use 37 for S-M
  2. Well, it isn't actually that different than any other broken leg. It broke his skin, but legs snap in half somewhat commonly. It was more significant because it was on live tv, and his skin broke. It should be relatively the same time to be healed as any other snapped leg. ...I was relatively calm writing about an injury like this... is that bad?
  3. Independent: Steve Sims Overall: Morgan Kane
  4. inb4 fighting over sports^^ Also, if you live in Indiana, you never hear the end of this, regardless if you care about basketball or not.
  5. Well, if it at monster cross, and has a rhythm section, it would be pointless for me to be there, look at blue thunder in that video up there... Yeah. I would just get in the way.
  6. I'm sorry for the confusion, whenever I read that, my mind thought both axles pointing in the same direction, just like the picture a bit above.
  7. OK, I think we have confusion here. This is what I meant was "hack donuts," you are not allowed to do donuts like this as far as I know. This is what I thought Team Destruction meant, because doing this I have never flipped, pressing The right arrow key, and F2, for instance, I have flipped many times in first gear. Maybe i have it wrong, but from personal experience, the steering configuration shown below is considered "hack donuts."
  8. Honestly, do it turning as hard as you can, and learn how to control the throttle, it takes some practice, if you really try, you might be able to figure out how to do them in second gear and get some serious cyclones...
  9. In most leagues you will be counted down for doing that. They are considered "hack donuts." It's the same thing if you turn only the rear axel
  10. Loserville ky... I think I'm gonna like you... Welcome to sim monsters, I hope you have fun, there are some great people here.
  11. Trucks included are: Bigfoot 11, 14, 15, 18, and 19 King krunch Bounty hunter Shocker Gunslinger And whatever the two trucks all the way up there are to be called. They misspelled CRD on Bigfoot 19's specs btw, it says CDR
  12. OGM TEH SILVERWOLF IS BAK Ot: That link kept me entertained for a good five minutes
  13. You seem to be using .38 as well, Sim monsters uses .37, those errors will go away, but you will still need to get V4
  14. Eradicator isn't just a paint bucket job, they actually changed almost the entire design.
  15. Pretty much if you want to play online without people shouting at you.
  16. Doing it on a MAC won't work, anytime you would join the server, it would crash everyone else's game. and press "y" to speak, if that doesn't work, press "U" then press"y" again.
  17. File Name: Mega FS of Doom File Submitter: mason67 File Submitted: 25 Mar 2013 File Category: Tracks Yeah... CREDITS Mark for his car models Aaron for his Stands/ help texturing It's been a long time since i last worked on this, but i think the beta testers are Chris, Aaron, Blair, Devin, Josh, and Julio Thanks for downloading! Click here to download this file
  18. 437 downloads

    Yeah... CREDITS Mark for his car models Aaron for his Stands/ help texturing It's been a long time since i last worked on this, but i think the beta testers are Chris, Aaron, Blair, Devin, Josh, and Julio Thanks for downloading!
  19. Steve Sims wins my new favorite moment in a monster truck. http://youtu.be/uFs354wvrKA?t=2m10s
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