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Everything posted by xyrose

  1. While you certainly can change rear steer to the joystick, it is not a very good idea. It won't work 100% of the time and it will be super frustrating. Rear steering works entirely different than the front steering. With front steering, you can turn the tires however far left or right you want and the joystick is perfect for that degree of sensitivity. But with rear steering, the tires automatically turn fully to the left or the right. Having the input on the joystick makes it to where you have to perfectly move it in a certain position or it otherwise will not work at all. Therefore, having the rear steer on the X and B buttons is your best bet. Just like real monster trucks, they use a button (a toggle switch) because they do not turn in a full 180 degrees of motion; its either the tires are turned, or they are straight. There is no "in-between" like with the front steering.
  2. Mathew White King Krunch Waller, TX xyrose 5 years competing
  3. That logo with riveted letters like the older MJ logo would look pretty killer.
  4. I spy with my little eye a Tyler Rayas by yours personally lmao. Great stuff
  5. Version 2.0.0


    With a new ROR update and a new decade comes a new controller config! - For wired controllers, please download and install the Controller_Xbox_One_For_Windows_ mapping. - For wireless controllers, please download and install the Bluetooth_XINPUT_compatible_input_device mapping. After downloading, simply place in the config file: This PC > Documents > My Games > Rigs of Rods > config - Wired controller users, simply drag and drop into the config folder and overwrite the one that comes preinstalled. - Make sure you Update Cache after starting the game for the first time with it installed. This is a standalone mapping. Never edit the original input.map file unless you want to change the keyboard functions. =============================================================================================== Controls: Left Joystick = Front Steering Left Joystick Click = Save Scene Right Joystick Click = Load Scene RT = Accelerate LT = Brake LB = Shift Down RB = Shift Up A = Ignition Toggle / Pseudo RII X = Left Rear Steer Y = Reset Truck B = Right Rear Steer View Button = Look Back Menu Button = Truck Ignition (press and hold) D-Pad Up = Enter / Exit Truck D-Pad Left = Toggle HUD D-Pad Down = Change Camera =============================================================================================== Please read the instructions before asking me about them. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on the Sim Monsters official Discord channel.
  6. Pretty much, you've done a good job! Make sure the logo gets as close as it possibly can to the hood clip.
  7. I'll let the s10 slide as I hope you're going to fix it, but please, don't do the 02-03 paintjob dirty like that. Use this logo that I made instead.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Pedals: - Clutch Pedal = Brake - Right Pedal = Accelerate Logitech G Driving Force Shifter: - 4th Gear (straight up from Neutral position) = Left Rear Steer - 5th Gear (straight down from Neutral position) = Right Rear Steer - Keep the shifter in Neutral to keep rear tires straight - You can leave it in 4th or 5th gear to keep the wheels locked to that side Racing Wheel Essentials: - Steering Wheel itself = Front Wheel Steering - Left Paddle = Shift Down - Right Paddle = Shift Up Racing Wheel Cont: - A = Toggle Truck Engine On/Off (Also serves as a discount RII Toggle) - X = Save Truck Position - Y = Reset Truck - B = Load Truck Position - Share Button = Change Camera - LSB = Toggle HUD - RSB = Enter / Exit Truck - Menu Button (Hold) = Truck Ignition . . . More controls will be added when I find the time to do so. I plan on having controls for outside of the truck to walk around as well as adding quickload/save for 0.4.8 players. . . . - If there are any questions, problems or assistance needed, please DM me.
  9. You would be better off perusing the site on how to make your own trucks bud
  10. Ever since the updated PEI pack came out, I wanted to make the better half of the 2001 season paintjob for Blue Thunder. So I got around to making it. There are several major things wrong, especially the body itself. But I feel like it looks great for what I had to work on. I can already see some resizing issues, but in total I achieved my goal.
  11. Check out the tutorials on how to make trucks, it's gonna get you where you're wanting to go faster.
  12. I'd say there's more of a chance of you winning the powerball 10 times in a row before you get this.
  13. Mathew White xyrose (xyrose#2381) Blacksmith
  14. I wanted to help @LordFrosting with paints, so here’s my hand drawn rendition! I’m gonna touch up the sides so they aren’t so blotchy, but other than that, this things ready to rumble.
  15. The 4th quarter of the Chiefs v. Patriots game was a wild ride. Chiefs kinda blew it, I was definitely rootin' for em. However, Here's to approx 12 days from this exact moment when the GOAT, Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Jr., makes it 6.
    The 2000 paint edit is 👌🔥. You remembered the old bad to the bone logo this time, too! Awesome stuff man.
  16. Version 1.1.0


    This is an obsolete version. Please download the new version via the Software tab.
  17. I would suggest the Tacoma, it's never been done to my knowledge and I think it would make for an interesting design.
  18. Over the multitude of video games I've played in my lifetime, I couldn't tell you how many servers I regularly had fun playing on eventually succumbed to a toxic bloodbath. I understand that not everyone can run a private server, it takes a decent computer and the need to be available when anyone wants to play and all that, and the fact that it's a public server you understand that you really have no control over it. I would just stay clear of it all and try not to fan the flames. I don't really think anything can be done about it here that would impact you positively by posting this thread, but I would highly suggest finding a way to make a private server. If it's this much of an issue I would definitely try getting your group together and figuring out how to make a private server for all of you.
  19. A real headscratcher. https://i.imgur.com/DVlCR33.gifv
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