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zero_mass last won the day on October 23 2023

zero_mass had the most liked content!

About zero_mass

  • Birthday 05/02/2001

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    Rigs, rods.

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Community Answers

  1. Name: Jackson Meszaros Discord: zero_mass Day preferred competing (Monday or Tuesday): Monday Truck: Sudden Impact Backup Truck: King Krunch Backup Truck 2: Grave Digger 7 dayum im late lol
  2. Jackson Meszaros Mountaineer zero_mass
  3. Jackson Meszaros zero_mass
  4. Name: Jackson Meszaros Discord: zero_mass Truck: nWo
  5. Name: Jackson Meszaros Discord: zero_mass Preferred Nights Competing: Monday, Wednesday Preferred Arena or Stadium: Arena
  6. Version 1.1.0


    bounce that ahh
  7. Name: Jackson Meszaros Discord: zero_mass Hometown: Naples, FL
  8. Name: Jackson Meszaros Truck Name: JAMES CALHOUN Discord: zero_mass Logo (PNG) (Not Required Yet): Theme Song: If you have an image of your truck (any image of the truck, doesn't have to be on the base chassis):
  9. Another piece of advice, I would set the pixel margin to at least 4 for 4k bakes, because sometimes you can see the outline of the bake in-game from a far enough distance if the margin is too thin.
  10. I can't find you in the Sim-Monsters Discord server, so be sure to join that so you can compete in the fun run.
  11. 12 trucks hand-picked for drivers Realistic Monster Jam style event Signups open now! Provide your first and last name and Discord username Event Thursday 8:00 p.m. EST/5:00 p.m. PST Track: Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZC_fik0UeJgQYXDwm8DI3y4c1iHvbJ6T0Xb-hi6Th5w/edit?usp=sharing Racing Random bracket Points based on lap times for each round Times will be based on video recording Penalty of 1 second for each front tire outside of the lines on the ramps Two Wheel Skills Order based on racing points Two hits No blatantly unrealistic moves Shut off for hard cage hits and wall hits Maximum score of 10 Freestyle Order based on two wheel skills points Two minutes No blatantly unrealistic moves Shut off for hard cage hits and wall hits Maximum score of 10
  12. Jackson Meszaros 🤓 https://www.mediafire.com/file/8h35r2cppww2drw/nerd23.zip/file zero_mass
    Awesome track! Racing is dat buttah and lots of opportunities for moonwalks and TWS combos. Freestyle is like a mini World Finals 15 but in a good way with lots of momentum. Too bad I'm gonna get gapped in quals 😞
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