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Everything posted by tweak740

  1. about the fps issues, if your having them then you must be on a pos pc. My laptop runs this game on full settings and I get great FPS. IMO we shouldn't limit what we can do just because some people can't upgrade their setup... But ya the content on this site is great, if anyone has a problem with it then they can make their own truck pack..... I mean name one other pack that is as close to the SM trucks....
  2. I really hope they have someone airbrush in some details...
  3. what type of asus? my old lady has one and it runs great, asus makes nice computers.
  4. I think that when Dennis retires from Monster Jam he will try to get a series or something going for more mud events.
  5. Now when I see that I think someone has died, lol @ monster jam
  6. If badass is a junk bike that is truly non american made and uses ancient technology... I guess thats badass..
  7. both riding supermoto's check it out!
  8. Iron Outlaw is looking awesome! Can't wait for this one!!!
  9. please make the surface like the 2013 one that was released on here.
  10. Hagan sorry for the loss man...
  11. "Look who is back! Brad will be at the wheel of Brutus this weekend in Montreal, on his Mega-Bite chassis!" --- From Team Scream Facebook page.
  12. Did FELD even do anything about it? I don't remember reading anything about it.
  13. ya but the truck was most recently on Werner's when it made it's U.S debut though wasn't it?
  14. nice start but I believe it was on Werner's El Toro chassis....
  15. The world is a sad place and I understand it was just a joke, I just honestly don't think it's appropriate for the site. Think of it like this If you had a monster truck and you just went through Donald went through I think you would be pissed if someone made a parody of a very scary accident you were just involved in. Not to mention the amount of $$$ in damages that the truck suffered.
  16. I agree the videos are disrespectful, look at it this way Ryan and Adam are members on this site (along with other drivers I'm sure) do you think they want to see those parody videos of Dennis? No. The crash that Donald has was down right scary I see no reason at all to make fun of it. Anyway my point is if this site is trying to get more members then don't ya think we shouldn't be letting stupid videos like this being posted on a public forum? What if Donald want's to get into ROR and he see's that video on here? Don't ya think it would draw people away? Common sense pretty much says yes... I don't care if you agree with me or not I'm just stating what I think is best for the site.
  17. El Diablo looks good but like they said fix the logo add the flames, and I honestly don't think the eyes look right at all but maybe it's just me? Good job though.
  18. it was under thor for racings encore
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