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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. are you guys seriously unable to read? where did I state in the original post that he "hacked" to get the pack? you people are making your own conclusions on misinformation being passed around, The leak had to do with Google Link/Adsense SEO. Somehow Google's rank of the projects unlisted page got published and worked its way into the top 10 directory listing for sim-monsters. From there you could simply press browse and download the file of choice or if you knew what you were doing could take the link and use the appropriate software to get all files at once. MonsterJamSeriesTV avoids us, so that comment about forgiving him is bullshit. Seriously its not that hard to understand there not be another "Sim Monsters" bulk truck pack, nor the expectation of 8 or so people doing all the work anymore. I feel like I am literally talking to a call recording stuck on a 5 second loop.
  2. I had a blend made up for the new one somewhere, but not this version
  3. excuse my ignorance but are you guys imposing a show limit in terms truck field size? I did not see in the rule listing anywhere about it being a qualify in style of events or anything.
  4. If their respective creators choose to they can release what they want and can to choose to work on whatever they want, when they want, how they want. You know, what you basically do.
  5. that post was not directed at you tweak, it was towards the several other people on here who only saw that the V5 died. nowhere did I state that people were just going to up and walk away from making content, I still plan on doing my chassis thing. people will now be able to do their own thing. I was expecting for some backlash from people, but some of the blindness displayed (looking at your Spidermanmonstertruck5) is just downright brutal. I guess being told they will have to make an effort to make stuff now rather then relying on a small group of dedicated people was too much?
  6. For christ sake do you people even read?! some of your responses make me want to smash my head against a brick wall. So here it is again singled out, enlarged and bolded. Maybe this time you will read it: Speak up however you like towards the decision, having the threat of our SM accounts, AIM, Skype, Facebook, etc being taken over, putting OUR personal information on the line for some content for a video game and we are childish? give your head a shake
  7. As I am sure many members on here are aware there was another leak of content thanks in part again to Mr. Anthony Eignauer/MonsterJamSeriesTV/WildThing101/whatever other alias's he uses, has been spreading like wildfire around to all of the wonderful people that have been banned off of this site. Video after video pop up on youtube and after a few days to figure it all out (who obtained the leak, what leaked, how it leaked and the overall damage) there has been a common theme between us content makers who were trying to push the level of our work for everyone to bring a real life representation into a virtual format. To have yet another issue with someone going to extreme measures to get half finished content that sadly does not even remotely showcase what we had in store, it is with heavy hearts it has been unofficially decided that V5 will be abandoned. Now before people fly off the rocker completely there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The content creators that have helped with the project can choose to release their content out to he public if they like, be it in full trucks or in parts. This means the community in whole will be able to produce their own content (much like MTM2 for those that were around during that time). This is not a fun post to make, it took me several attempt to try and word it in a positive light, fact is we were already being the 8 ball with so much stuff to do and almost all the staff (minus me currently on disability from work) have school, jobs, lives outside their computers, meant that we were facing quite the climb. This game, no this community was born to be a hub for people that shared the same passion about this sport, but in a virtual setting. For a person to be so physically and emotionally wrapped up in a video game to go through the measures needed to facilitate a mess like this, not just once, but twice? I have seen some pretty big acts of desperation in my 20 some odd years on this planet, but this is one of the most extreme cases I have ever personally dealt with. It is a hollow and bitter feeling no doubt but at the end of the day, it's just another bump in the road. So lets look to the horizon and not the ditch.
  8. I don't know if you are aware, you uploaded it in a RAR compressed folder, unless you extract, ROR will not read it.
  9. the reason for my favour for a landing pad is proven and shown right there, imagine if he would have landed flat. If you want impressive, how about Joey taking one of the worst crashes ever in the sports history and within 5 days had it ready to jump again.
  10. and I did not get blurred out or censored, mission accomplished!
  11. apparently I made the WF14 DVD white sunglasses with the grey/yellow Legend hat,
  12. Contemplating archiving this
  13. There are zero limitations nor does Guinness require the use of the same style of ramp. Joey just went with the most conventional layout that almost every aspect of long jump record's are held with. Was Bigfoot's distance attempt more impressive? certainly, but in turn used the most prehistoric way possible.
  14. All long distance jump records currently held are done with a take off ramp and landing pad. Why should Monster Trucks be any different? Guinness does not care about the ramp used, all they care about is the total distance travelled from take off to landing.
  15. fixed it, you just have to copy paste the image location and put it into the Image insert option (between uplink and code) on your posting panel
  16. he meant your computer specs, the odds are your current setup cannot handle BeamNG
  17. meh it does not bother me either way, the one above is the 9th or 10th attempt at making it for me.
  18. to use? not any more difficult then ROR but its still in alpha stage so things do not quite work as they should (no commands currently means no 4 wheel steer).
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