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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. if we are allowed to have teams I might draft someone to drive one of em atleast
  2. 3 times the actual size? not really I would say maybe two. They use a 2-3 truck width tarped section around the actual performance area and have a couple containers at each end. The stadium model itself aswell is a bit flawed in that the ends of the arena do not have the bottom bowl's sections from corner to corner taken out. That would be my only complaints.
  3. Have not decided if I want to run this or this
  4. no I was referring to competitive edges on replica trucks, this instance would work with the same principal with custom trucks aswell, whatever you upload for others to use you better make sure those settings are what you use when you race, or you will not trip the checkpoint markers
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13SpEoprdGZDI8_U137HhPxwYbSHCoP3F7MSg19J4Duw/edit might want to check that, Mulisha is already taken and you would only qualify for a green ride.
  6. and the other cool bit is being able to set checkpoints to determine if a truck file has been tampered from the given values, if it is then it will not record a time.
  7. I think if it was a rip I think he would have stated it in his text blurb. Regardless, I could careless. Content is content providing you give credit where its due.
  8. army patrick pezo vaters porter I would love to see Mr. Brass get in but at the same time there are a few others that deserve to get in before him based on a longer tenure in the sport. Also so that I would have a better chance to maybe even attend when he does!
  9. the plan is to upgrade to .38. Thank you both for the information
  10. probably never, poor location and health issues would make it impossible to even remotely think of it as a possibility. forever a fan and I am okay with that.
  11. I tried to qualify several times but never got a response back...
  12. well technically he had a few other random accounts that were banned, regardless lets not pay tribute to the biggest failure of a human being ever to make his way onto a forum.
  13. V3 Archives were deleted because of space issues on the sites server and we have been close to the limit for several months. Evidently you did not catch the fact but the original V4 patch was going to be .37 release aswell. The next truck pack will be .38 but you will not be seeing that as a complete pack up for download for a long time since everything is being reworked by basically 2-3 people. By the way I also chuckled at your people listing in parenthesis, as if that that is supposed to provide motivation from someone who has not contributed to the community at all.
  14. and now we are back to scheduled programming
  15. sorry Bo that turd was lined up to be banned awhile ago, apparently I only banned the IP address he signed up on and not his actual account
  16. looks like Tow Mater took a hit of acid
  17. clearly you have been around long enough to realize what a momentous occasion it is then
  18. forum software was updated and broke some stuff, that is one of those things.
  19. because its the little things that takes content from being good to spectacular
  20. minus the coil spring being the wrong colour it looks good!
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