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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. I suppose the most logical area to start would be for them to be 100% finished before tossing around release dates
  2. hotwheels is lazy people, you guys are just realizing that?
  3. Yep Pauken's is gonna be a cohen (similar to Zimmer's Digger)
  4. Pablo was the only person with a save, Linsey and Donald's were lucky recoveries
  5. damn solid race holy crap that first hit how pablo brought this back, wow
  6. they have Morgan Kane listed to drive Max-D in a show in the near future, though I think Chuck deserves atleast a shot though he is Neil's mechanic aswell as a driver for El Toro Loco. I do not see him moving from his current position sadly
  7. having a difference in opinion is fine,but if you are going to clutter up this thread with "(insert band name here) sucks" then this will be locked.
  8. make it so they have to list their truck here before they are allowed to qualify, if they do not then they can forget about racing.
  9. He told me at WF13 that he was "building" a truck for stateside competition, but nothing more past that. I heard somewhere else that it might possible be a new Dragon Slayer. Either way that truck looks sick!
  10. our last forum update buggered that up, dunno if there has been a fix or not, give me 5 minutes to refresh the site cache and see if that fixes it
  11. well to be fair, I do not think anyone makes a fibreglass mold of a fullsize fire truck, its not a mid 2000's ford F150 nor a fiberwerx offroad body. atleast they are trying to be different.
  12. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/663-canadian-crippler/ updated my truck to fix the no show issue for other people that had downloaded the previous version
  13. He is banned from the site again, turns out he was previously banned and messaged Roach back in February about being back on the site again. As for these comments about the events going bad, shit happens not everything will go 100% smoothly, sure it took a bit longer but hey atleast it finished.
  14. Half Pint went through another name/body change
  15. you on the east cost or west coast?
  16. If you do not like this game nor its mod then why the hell are you here? You are probably one of those kids that go around on youtube purposely searching things he does not like to leave a retarded comments to, I assume, get some self validation. You think anyone here is going to miss you? Hell I give it a week and people will probably forget your name. So Austin, please comment again so I can have a reason to remove you permanently from this site.
  17. you made quite an ass outta yourself, congrats on that!
  18. I dont get why, the soundscripts are in there as are the sound files :/ your the only person that has come forward having a sound issue
  19. Outlawed


    I have played with rocks less clunky then arma control schemes
  20. redownload it again, I had to fix something
  21. man that averaging really kicks ya in the beans, 5th fastest time posted but 12th due to my crappy first pass. love/hate relationship at its finest
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