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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. okay so I ran a test with a fellow staff member, with ROR's diff capability -open diff -locked diff -split diff (technically the diffs are open but the diff will give equal power regardless of wheelspeed, so in essence a all wheel drive system) right off the bat I can attest that adding a axle line to the truck file affects the truck immensely, wheelspeed and traction was up near tenfold (x10) from a box stock V4 truck, basically you could go from a dead stop to max top speed in under 2 seconds. An open front diff made the truck handle like old american rear wheel drive car with the front diff having no part in helping the truck pull at all, once you cornered hard, which you had to do to make it even take a set to turn, if the inside front tire came off the ground, power went 100% to the rear and resulted in some rather interesting situations and 9/10 resulted in a roll over. A locked front diff the truck was a freaking land missile, you had to quarter throttle around the turns or the truck would throw itself around immediately. basically you hit the throttle and it was going to go in the direction you were pointing with no finesse at all. Split diff in the front was interesting, it seemed to be a middle ground but like I stated above just adding a axle definition line to the truck file and a trucks throttle response and traction went up regardless of diff selection. We did a average run time on Arlington 2012, this was based on a 10 runs with the best 5 picked Locked ran a average of 18.324 and had the fastest time of any setup at a 17.83 Split diff averaged 18.648 (fastest time this setup got was a 18.20) Open diff averaged 19.448 (fastest time was 18.87) If this was the direction we would want to go this would require a good overhaul of the trucks traction and power setting to try and make it work, while this will be noted for future updates, this idea probably will not make its way into the update currently being worked on
  2. all you have to do is open the truckfile and remove the spaces for non appearing tires. V4 was made for a iteration of ROR 37 not 38.
  3. someone is going senile, time to stick her in a home
  4. I have never dabbled into differential locking and that is just what I think was mentioned to me before, though I honestly cannot remember very well. My assumption past that reasoning is that the trucks were left locked, just as using the same power curve and gearing, was to put everyone on a level playing field when it comes to online racing. As for being competitive in real life, I would not go that far, 4 wheels pulling in any situation is almost always better then 3, maybe in other forms of racing but Monster Trucks have the advantage of full hydraulic steering and four wheel steering. And I do not even have to bring up why locked front diff is beneficial in freestyle, just go look at any crazy save in recent years. If Monster's were front steering only then yes a open front diff would be needed, but here in make belief land, I do not think it would be a positive outcome. Now you have peaked my curiosity, I will look into open front diff and see how much of a difference to a locked diff it really is.
  5. someone will have to chime in here but I remember being told that open/split diff actually would be less ideal in a sea of full locked trucks because the overall power application and gearing would have to be changed but never would be as competitive as trucks full locked
  6. please refrain from posting picture on this site showing in detail the injury, there are quite a few "young eyes" on here
  7. too many to list, even if it was broken down from current drivers to company/independents, promoter choice, etc
  8. google superantispyware, download the free version and run it. Mcafee is pretty much as useless as Norton. let me know if that works for you
  9. sounds like your game is fighting with other process's going on in the background. what kind of computer spec you running?
  10. I would not even bother contacting Rep Fan, his content was just copy pasted models with textures that look like they belong on a 8 bit game.
  11. time for this old girl to get a once over
  12. no this is a step far above any previous attempts, this is gonna be monsters on a indoor short course offroad course. this pleases me
  13. on a positive note we hit kind of a break through that now has the trucks even more realistic in throttle, braking applications and body roll. Suspension moves much more freely and requires some effort to get the trucks to turn or slide with out high siding ot two wheeling excessively.
  14. its fine we have been holding off showing blend photos cause we have been puttering along on other parts of the pack
  15. deathwish made two basic ones but other then that its hard enough to keep with up to date stuff and make older stuff, we need more content makers!
  16. well that is not really for you to decide bub
  17. he landed so hard he pulled the shocks apart aswell, I dont think he knew he was gonna go that high. The only danger of the stunt was if Meents drifted to either side and Elliot or Kreg landed on him
  18. I could start tossing up a few more here and there I suppose
  19. brand new sadly, there is so much that is new in this pack, it went from being a fix update to all things wrong with V4 to some fixs and minor updates to now where each truck is getting a once over is updates and fixs
  20. every brand has pros and cons, I would rather go with a stout engine and do mods to the driveline vs having to deal with a crappy engine design with stout drivetrain.
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