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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. there could have been had the 10th person to PM asked to see it, but only 6 people did after a week so I took it as a lack of interest on the subject
  2. should be mentioned those are early testbeds
  3. if it is the body still needs to be made and the skin aswell
  4. yes but I <3 the spin tool in Blender, plus its unique (while that might not be practical in real life)
  5. its been a week and only 7 responses about the first render, so I just decided myself. Here is the old V4 Captain USA: here is the rough updated version Now I will state the two newer blender screen caps are still not completed, so any posts about obvious things like "uh there are no shock mounts derp" will be deleted and you will receive a kick to the groin.
  6. nothing against JR but this year has been rough for him, he could be a darkhorse but basing it on event finishes luck has not been on his side
  7. havent posted in a while, so here is 1160 unnecessary verts in the form of a chassis tag. and a low CG front engine design with cohen and bigfoot cues
  8. I have already made the chassis and have to finish up the body final details but yes it will be included
  9. Come on now Donald wont get a spot because they have to pad the main event lineup with more company trucks!
  10. frank and john share identical layouts
  11. its on a CRD like the real life version, only complaint I have is the body needs to be even lower on the chassis:
  12. I forgot to list that a member on here gave us the okay to use his sounds he has created. So there will be new sounds for most of the trucks
  13. Ironman (holman's version) actually looks pretty badass
  14. that is all we can ask for, cannot wait for this to start!
  15. that is the story of your life Harlow isn't it? "waiting" Humor me in telling me exactly what was the last thing you actually released? It really easy to have scepticism towards anything you post about future plans when anyone that talks to you on a regular basis knows any of your ability to dart from unfinished project to project rivals a Kenyan 100m sprinter. So yes the response to you is "lets see you do better", because other then blender screencaps you post here, everything else is text ridden dribble. Not even going to waste my time responding to the rest of the post because regardless of how many times its been said on here and personally to you on AIM, you will never see eye to eye on our "excuses" (as you label them) as to our content and why it does not meet some imaginary pre made standards you deem as absolute law. Your criticising is now being overshadowed by the true fact of your angst, you despise this community. It's a pity too because its all self inflicted (or maybe that is the way you wanted it) Regardless, as much as I hate to even have to post this, if you truly do not like anything on this site or the community, then leave or you will be shown the door here very quickly.
  16. making 6 accounts makes things a bit more questionable
  17. if you have a question about the update please post in the actual thread for it please http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/4332-v4-patch-statement/page-1
  18. I personally don't view it as a patch, the amount of new models and textures while also adding new or more current schemes is pretty substantial. I am still putting blends together of every single V4 truck right now. The only models I have used from V4 (other then chassis and bodies) are the engine (drastically resized), K&N airfilter, radiator (resized), killpin, gauges and fuel cell.
  19. dont you mean the ONLY BIG WIN of chads career? took him long enough
  20. we really need to get old era leafsprung trucks ingame, would breath some fresh air into this game.
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