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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. that is the whole point of that server, its just a generalized use that anyone can use. just because the major base of people using it are from this site does not mean the server owner have to limit others. if you really find it that big of an issue then here: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/3136-how-to-host-a-private-ror-server/
  2. we have hit our data limit, you are still able to host offsite on mediafire, etc and link to here as a mirror. hoping to have a resolution sometime soon
  3. Still looking for the post where he labelled it as the best version of world finals to hit Rigs of Rod? The textures are clean, obstacles aswell and the overall layout is presentable. So other then it being playable what exactly is wrong with it? Other then your warped perception on the quality of others work or how others should respond to them posting progress photos of it? And the bias train leaves the station at the same time as "broken record" and "cynical disposition"
  4. posting this since gecko is being lazy
  5. well it looks like it being forbidden has doen well
  6. Outlawed


    business is business so I while I have extreme displeasure for what happened, atleast we get a partial season and 8 years of now BS unlike the previous lockout. predictions are up in the air, will be interesting to watch how things unfold.
  7. Darren Basl's King Krunch, PEI/Flame Motorsports Hybrid Shockwave J&B
  8. wouldnt rush for this just yet, crazy did some edits and cleaned up his fiberwerx body, plus I have edited and updated the chassis a bit.
  9. Outlawed

    Budget League?

    just keep it simple for the revive year in my opinion
  10. still trying to stay ahead of the curve...
  11. ballistic looks like it is moving to a fiberwerx body now too
  12. if it was a material issue then the chassis would show up white
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