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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. I had one made but for the life of me have no idea where it went, I even had the flat stock with the laser etched PEI letters in it somewhere too that went missing
  2. you miss the first part of my post Runty? posting your work is optional just like leaving an opinion also things: paukens digger pablos digger
  3. Runt but just like back then 90% of the people on here cannot give accurate constructive criticism. I mean for my chassis work I don't really have anyone to relay accurate information other then people that actually work on the trucks. Everyone thought my first CRD was awesome,I went back and looked at recently and realized how bad (in my eyes) it actually was. This thread is is called show your projects not show what you are going to release.
  4. guy stay on course here please, it was just a suggestion.
  5. could be he has high reflective option box ticked off PC
  6. they have been running it on and off, its now an official sponsor and getting put on a dedicated layout at some point (bringing the Halls operation to 3 trucks)
  7. new hotsy truck another of el diablo and marc's el toro
  8. crappy photo but the yellow truck parked by obessed is the new Titan (I think Donald got the new chassis finished up), Double Trouble is now green/white and Patriot/Tropical Thunder should be on their new chassis's aswell
  9. because a monster truck for the most part is a rolling billboard, you start putting stuff like that on your truck you are going to rub people the wrong way regardless if your intentions are good or not. personally I would be fine with a small mural/decal on the tailgate or something but the whole roof? bit much
  10. Eradicators white, Backdraft is still on the old chassis and the monsta lobstah has a lobster fisherman on the back now
  11. the Fiberwerx offroad bodies are starting to pop up like crazy because they are cheap, mass produced and teams dont have to hire a fibreglass guy or do it themselves so that allows them to put their money else where.
  12. dunno how I overlooked how bad my original V3 version of this chassis was, well its all mended now
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