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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. I dont think Buetow is getting a new chassis this year, budget for new stuff is pretty much all used up. Unless he gets someone else's CRD
  2. trust me 5 hours is not long enough for this gem
  3. Last I saw Roach was the christmas event on saturday, also if those are the old shock models from V2 I can provide you with better ones or would you prefer more accurate? As for shock shafts the reason why there are only a few is because angles shocks provided to be a bit more tricky to line up as the old method was making the shock bodies and shock shafts as separate meshes, this was okay for trucks that had straight up and down mounted shocks. As for why they are on trucks that have a coilover/standard shock setup is because the shocks are a separate mesh from the chassis and through some witchcraft with the node/beam editor this makes it easier to have the shafts line up into the shock bodies and not have them poke through when compressed. We (V4 contributors) decided to leave a few trucks with shock shafts to give a small taste of whats in (kind of like the sponsor plates). its just a matter of redoing all of the V4 trucks in this manner now.
  4. well you have to add the faces to the chassis mesh in blender then map those faces to a texture containing the said sponsors. you also need to have a mirrored version of the sponsor layout so it will read right on the opposite side. then you have to re-export it out of blender and put it ingame
  5. from V4? Virginia Giant add on rep? XDP add on custom? enraged
  6. old girl is getting a complete once over, she is well over a year old and no where near perfect so its time to give her proper due
  7. that is all your opinion though, when someone does something like this they know the repercussions and the possible outcomes. I feel extremely bad for all families and kids involved in this mess the end fact is these people are not coming back.
  8. death penalty? you think that is going to fix 20+ people dead?
  9. making up for being MIA for so long Runty?
  10. sounds like a texture or material file issue
  11. so its safe to assume your under 13 and bypassed the age requirement for the site
  12. why are you spamming this forum with the most minimal information possible? what exactly are you trying to ask here?
  13. because it is getting harder to show someone that doesnt follow the sport the legitimacy when they roll out with garbage like this. the only reason you dont hear jack from in employees (drivers, crew people) is because of who pays the bills, I firmly believe there are more displeased employees then happy about this junk.
  14. first off, runt said to PM not to PUBLICLY POST ON THIS THREAD! jesus some of you guys dont even bother to read at all. second just because a truck doesnt appeal to you does not give someone the green light to voice their negative view of it and vice versa. move along now or this will be locked
  15. the fact that you would spin forever and never move forward, it would work well in non dirt shows but the odds are the lack of treads would actually make em easier to puncture on a car or van
  16. you ever gonna release these tracks Bob?
  17. is that all of your of your own handiwork? very impressive
  18. Outlawed

    Facebook Games

    bit of a sucker for cartown, cant lie
  19. I dont think vocal range has anything to do with that site...
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