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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. the biggest issue is the cantilever suspension and how difficult it is to make work properly without breaking constantly. I was working on a Bigfoot 10 that crazyman made a beam node structure for but it constantly broke, I might release it if I can get the okay from the other contributors
  2. Version 1


    Here is my custom truck based on Rob MacCachren's Mopar sponsored Dodge Ram CORR truck. Thanks to ACDCFan56 for the skin and the body Chassis is mine and everything else is V4 related stuff.
  3. File Name: Mopar Ram File Submitter: Outlawed File Submitted: 01 Nov 2012 File Category: V4 Customs Here is my custom truck based on Rob MacCachren's Mopar sponsored Dodge Ram CORR truck. Thanks to ACDCFan56 for the skin and the body Chassis is mine and everything else is V4 related stuff. Click here to download this file
  4. you realize you could just post your tracks here rather then linking off site, if you would have read the rules you would know:
  5. he never stated he was being realistic and song choice is personal preference. inb4 Madusa FS to Rick Astley
  6. The one he drove for POD this summer was Whit Tarltons CRD chassised mutt and the mutt he drives at vegas has been his PEI digger with a mutt body slapped on it (the one year you could tell because of the terrible painting job they did over the green).the reason it was pitched is because of the digger cab that was not designed for the chop top merc body. this year I believe he drove Joe Millers PEI chassised mutt. either way both versions have been included in V4.
  7. come on people dont be shy! post up your submission!
  8. no COD has been good since 4, all of them since have been over bloated crap that claimed to fix issues and produce better ingame enjoyment when they have dropped so far downhill they cant climb outta the hole they made. with that said the zombie mode is supposed to be really good but I am hesitant to drop 60 bucks for a secondary mode on a game. I will probably wait till around christmas if the game is any good I might get it.
  9. should be making its way to the download page very soon
  10. then shouldnt the new one be digger 28 seeing as Son Uva Digger was made before it? I dont consider Legend to be a part of the Digger grouping
  11. well from what I gathered this driver was just hired (not sure if Adam Anderson's post meant new to FELD, new to Grave Digger team or new to driving in general) Dustin is supposed to be traveling to the same events as Dennis so the odds Dustin is in digger following around a digger would not make much sense.
  12. I would like to kindly ask for people to refrain from responding to demand like posts, all it does it go downhill from its intent. the staff will clean it up but please just ignore them, thanks moving along on topic now...
  13. same principal as meents original Max-D, they claimed it was a chassis from 1999 but the amount of tubing that was replaced over the years was enough to rebuild it twice over at minimum.
  14. well with the new cage requirements they will either not be running MJ shows this year or will get revamped to meet the requirements.
  15. techincally they are right its a "new" truck as hall bros will be using it as a third truck, no longer a rebody of ramminator.
  16. Titan's new chassis will be a PEI http://samson4x4.com/chassis.htm
  17. yep crtl A in object mode and you will never have that issue again
  18. locked please on how to properly fill out a truck request, though a heads up there has been one made by Roach which will make its way to the download page at some point
  19. Outlawed


    where is monster truck bloopers 2?
  20. -Kreg C's contract being up opens up a Max D ride but Kreg has a Concussion chassis on order and will be bringing back the Dragon Slayer name -Jim Benzdick (Rolling Thunder) will be debuting his new Crd chassis this year.
  21. i thought the only reason we were put on this planet was to induce our parasite mentality onto on otherwise wonderful sphere of living things?
  22. Hey guys because of a decision to add more events and make two tours (stadium and arena) to the season 3 schedule, this means is that we are short on tracks. More specifically Thunder Nationals, Monster X or small fairground style tracks (preferably not a straight line, not to say we wont pick it because of this but some variety would be nice) . We are looking for replicated floor plans/layouts with less emphasis on perfection in terms of surrounding visuals (arenas, banners, etc). What better way to show off your work then in Sim Monsters Season 3? If you have a track that fits this criteria, that you would like to submit, here is the basic copy paste blurb you need to use: Track: Picture (not required): Download Link on Sim Monsters: With that said, I must inform everyone that there is a possibility of some tracks not being picked, we need 8 tracks in total so the odds are that most of the tracks posted will be used but just incase there is a flood of responses posted on here, just the heads up.
  23. tutorials for sure, that would solve any "content" complaints with more people creating.
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