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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. might be they are actually going to do something nice for toms 10th anniversary, doubt it though
  2. well you cant just be brutally realistic with people today either, injecting a bit of humor might actually get some people that would not other wise donate to. (says this while wearing a I <3 Boobies bracelet) I dont condone it but just trying to look at it from a different view.
  3. not to mention the offset weight of the extra batteries and electric motor vs a fully dressed up 572ci engine. be a pretty safe assumption that it will be a display only truck, maybe a car crush here and there
  4. the problem with MM is the current scheme is very busy and has next to no good reference photos of it out there, so the original scheme was put on heart breaker was left out because it shares the same chassis as martial law and the fact martial law was the last body to be seen on the chassis before being put away for the year.
  5. broken record is brokens, the concept of the truck pack being a open beta that is constantly being tweaked (that is why there has been 4 iterations so far) appears to be too vast to grasp
  6. >>claims his models are stolen >>wont speak up makes complete sense! As for your tracks not being on here, there have been several hosting server updates and a few server changes. Most of the older tracks had to be reuploaded. The funny thing there is I bet 5 bucks that had someone uploaded one of your old tracks, you would be flipping out over someone "stealing" your track.
  7. moved to the proper forum section
  8. well after it freezes does it give you an error?
  9. locking this so the member can try again at filling out a proper request
  10. connection is good and aslong as your FPS isnt average below 20 then you should be okay, anything past 60fps your eyes cant register in real time anyways
  11. set everything in the ROR config window under settings/graphics to (fastest) uncheck all of the options (except dashboard) and if you are still having crappy FPS then its your computer also if you dont mind posting your results from this site, it will give us a better idea how bad your connection is http://www.speedtest.net/
  12. ugh that body is poo, I wish I was better at making stuff, I would redo that in a heartbeat.
  13. there has been some rumblings that I have heard/been told and while I hate people that do exactly what I am about to, the information I have been told by a FELD employee was not to leave the messaging window I was told in. with that being said George will be getting a inhouse chassis this year, he was supposed to last year but they could not fit it into the budget.
  14. its been noted and will be fixed in the update patch
  15. well the shows legitimately would be in question is Cpt Slow admitted to liking monster trucks.
  16. well its kind of my nerd love so I try to be as informed as possible haha as for curse, as far as I know, the chassis is kind of semi retired, Paul Cohen actually put a bolt in halo to run as a fill in digger for a small arena show (I want to say in kentucky) and Pablo used it at WF 13 because its the only chassis that will fit the body (apparently his son Ryan's racesource chassised El Toro Loco wont fit it anymore) and since Alex Blackwell has a new Cohen for Wolverine, also that the Curse name might fade, the chassis might not run this year. I am hoping that isnt the case but we will have to see... on a top hear related note I would love to see a FELD truck run a lap on the test track
  17. well there are variations as well, second generation PEI (low center of gravity), its basically the same as the PEI posted above, but the cradle allows the engine and drivetrain to sit lower. Cohens are what the CRD's are based off of, Tim Carroll (of Carroll Racing Development) went to the digger dugeon and actually took measurements off of Adam Andersons chassis (which was Taz at that time). Cohen's (or inhouse chassis's) started with Dennis's digger 19/20 Then Adam's truck was made but there is a second generation of Cohens, Son Uva Digger, Grave Digger 25 (Gary Porters new one) and Monster Energy SUD/GD25 Monster Energy But then there is a interesting itteration that is a mutant, when Alex Blackwell stuffed Captains Curse into the stands at WF10 it was rebuilt, it started as first generation PEI with a Race Source Cab area (this was to fit the willy's body). When it was rebuilt it was built with some Cohen specing, mostly the shock towers cab to shock tower bracing and cradle bracing
  18. less then ten grand? for ticking a option box? no thanks. my point stands, why bother wasting money on a mediocre OEM job when you can do it yourself for way cheaper with a base, bone stock truck.
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