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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. oh god I could go into massive detail over that very question haha top is a standard Patrick Enterprise chassis (the one pictured is a second iteration with cleaner swooping shock hoops) vs the Carrol Racing Development (CRD) chassis this next one is a Racesource chassis (Pablo huffaker makes em) \ Concussion chassis
  2. you will have to ask Eric as he was the one that did the suspension updates Matt. as for CRD/Cohen trucks "shredding" racing, staff have hosted a few V4 beta fun runs and not every outcome was expected
  3. so how much does toyota charge you for what they do to the truck? your neighbour can do whatever he wants with his Raptor, my neighbour has a 1970 cuda ragtop 440 that he punched out to 460 and he drives when ever he feels like. the neighbour next to him has a 68 mustang mach 1 that never leaves the garage and a fully caged, extensively modded WRX that he is making into a rally car. point being is there are people that buy things just to have em and some actually buy them to use them. If I bought a raptor or any of the trucks mentioned in this thread I would damn well be using them offroad.
  4. fubar fight club shooter F&F series billy madison zombieland
  5. the meents trucks are loose because they have no swaybar beam/nodes, but they rebound like a sonuva***** as for the trucks that land like wet towel, any of the cohen/crd's would be the most forgiving but you have to work harder to make them look spectacular more generic trucks (FELD PEI chassised trucks) will be a bit more stiff, making simple things look spectacular but you will have to be more cautious. it comes down to personal preference, but the general aim was to mimic the real trucks tendencies. with this trucks will no longer be like v3 where they were roughly all the same settings, this might seem unfair but I think it will even the playing field if people can match their driving ability with a truck that compliments them. I have a feeling there is gonna be some pretty big upsets this SM racing season...
  6. I guess a post/thread stating the actual breakdown of what was changed in the pack would have cleared up alot of the questions people have.
  7. okay I am going to answer these as best I can: -v3 truck were too fast in both acceleration and top speed. we reduced it for realism sake. watching noobs clear 2/3rd's of a stadium floor in a freestyle was getting old fast no matter how many times we asked for them to keep it real. -v4 slides easier because once again the trucks slide easily in real life now, before trucks (in real life and in v3) would bicycle like crazy but suspension and tire advancements have been made. Jimmy Creten was using front steering only and drifting the corner at vegas this year -v3 was based mostly on Activision props and models, we are trying to remove those with community made items. -the irony that you claim v3 was better is the fact that almost all the bodies were abominations and the skins used from the game were average at best. -tires in v4 actually have treads and are not just a texture simulating a tread design. -truck were giving advancement in suspension physics as they pertain to their real life counterparts, of course airborne ranger is not going to drive like metal mulisha. If you really do not like V4 by all means stay on V3. Just be aware that no league on here or on other websites that use V3. No matter what you do you cant please everyone...
  8. no you said to buy the taco pretend offroad edition and dump money into it, I am talking about any brand, hell a 2wd would be around 20,000 or less, the amount of coin and potential would just disgusting. Herbst brothers? who are they? I get uncontrollable urges thinking about their old class 1 buggy
  9. because most people are not going to dump the extra 20 grand into their truck Demko, you know that aswell as I do. Buy a barebones stock 4wd truck for 25 grand and the extra dough you have to play with would have you in a truck that could drive circles around anything mentioned in this thread.
  10. okay... My arguement was not about mine or others opinion on it. atleast ford made the attempt to go a step beyond, rather then a box stock with some minor tweaks that a normal person will never notice.
  11. some people choose to ignore the last 5 words in his sentence too... this petty shit isnt starting up again, this is the last warning I am giving.
  12. longer travel? by what an inch over stock? for the price buy a damn bare bones truck and buy a proper suspension kit. factory stuff is garbage
  13. for this thread? yes that is true, Ford atleast made an attempt to engineer a proper, road legal offroad truck and even Dodge offers a proper one (albeit almost as a after market request) just because those are selling well toyota is gonna slap some crappy tires and a big side sticker and cash in? lame.
  14. check both cache points: my documents/rigs of rod/packs or vehicles c/program files/rigs of rod (there might be the version number proceeding the game name)/skeleton/packs or vehicles
  15. actually that is about right, or atleast compared to the side shots of BH from Vegas that I have
  16. oh cool, BF all terrain tires and some ugly stickers, yawnnnn (towards the toygarbota)
  17. In my haste to edit it, I deleted it. Its hard to try and tidy up with people still carrying on and I am barely able to sit down for 5 minutes because of how sick I am. Now the comment comparing this community to the westboro baptist church was ill-advised and regardless of whatever your intention was with bringing them into the said subject was not needed. Just as much as the other bonehead that is associated with you guys hoping onto a proxy to fuel the fire was just a bonus wasn't it? Listen I have never had a personal issue with you Harlow since I have known you, your view and opinion on things are very cut and dry. I am sure your screen name has just as much to do with the dislike you receive but at the same time, I have been in public/private online servers where you openly bashed basically every truck that you spawn in with. Never once have I heard anything positive come from you about others work, (this does not include the stuff I show you on AIM). The other side of the coin is you have shown and taught me so much about modelling that I was actually able to attempt making a body that was not a complete box. I will always be grateful for the help you have provided to me personally. I wont lie, right now is getting beyond strained to deal with the amount of BS from either side of this ridiculous community. I really try to be as neutral as possible and not stray too far left or right in terms of extreme but with the personal health issues I am dealing with, the undue drama of this site and the constant bickering of everyone.... It's time to scale back and disappear for a bit.
  18. okay this is ending now, this is a post your projects thread, move forward as such. Any more posts pertaining to this arguement will be deleted Harlow has always been known for his exasperating view on modeling, that's fine, some people cant handle his rather black/white view, some cant. you can only bash your head against a wall for so long...
  19. even then he dislikes Canadian's sometimes too, the man might come across brash and senile, but he speaks what everyone is thinking.
  20. thanks someone is helping me with it so it should be great!
  21. Name: Unsure as of right now Body: Dodge Ram (ramminator/razin kane) Paint (images of color/graphics): Other details: Basically I am looking to replicate this for my custom truck, dont have a name for it but if anyone wants to take a stab at it feel free to IM me on AIM
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