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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. No that will never occur as long as I am around, regardless your opinion on other peoples work, they are allowed to post it. The only thing that turns this thread into a shit show are the people that make it their business. Here is my advice: If the person you are trying to help ignores your advice, stop giving it. Why anyone would continue wasting their time is mind boggling. If they choose to keep posting content that still has glaring issues, ignore it. All you are doing is cluttering up threads making response posts. If they choose to upload said content, avoid it. You are not forced to download it.
  2. My chassis models are not perfect, I base what I do with zero factual measurements and only on visual aids (photos, videos). I have a rough idea of cab dimensions based off of CAD drawings of three chassis's but I am more inclined to believe that ICM body is improperly sized
  3. There is no V5 pack, there was never even one started. The only thing that was started after the V4 community pack was blend files of all the trucks redone with new models (bodies, props, tires etc). This was almost 4 years ago, why there is still conversation on it existing or not is hilarious.
  4. Fair enough, deflatable might be a better word to use, I read softer and figured the mesh of the tire was made softer to grip better.
  5. Excuse my ignorance but what exactly is "softer tires"? Or for that matter why do you need two iterations of breakables if your settings are deemed better (which I am assuming is by your own admission)?
  6. Oh ya, I am sure his first thought was "how can I piss off ChaoticMayhem", seriously get over yourself.
  7. Can you kids knock it off please? Before I have to prove my member title is more then just a joke.
  8. Vegas going back to 16 trucks? That is literally one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. As for Krysten or Jared, you guys seem to forget that most of the drivers that are getting hired have atleast some sort of motorsports experience (rock crawling, ATV/Dirtbike racing, etc) as far as I recall, Krysten, Jared, Armando, Bernard do not. There is going to be a learning curve for them and in terms of progression, they have all been getting better.
  9. You guys make it seem like he knew each of you by name and was just waiting around for you to go through his line, like "yep, time to be a dickhead to this guy". No he was not the most engaging driver to converse with, but you knew serious time for him was when he was strapped in and driving. I never had an issue speaking with him and he was appreciative of acknowledgement of his ability to drive a monster truck. His truck control was arguably the best monster trucks have ever seen, his in air control is still to this day imitated by top tier drivers.
  10. I like the one where they total the truck, it gets shut off and it tips back over onto its tires in a heaping pile of twisted metal.
  11. This whole situation has made the Monster Jam fanbase appear to be legitimately mentally insane. Seriously, in the past few days he has died, been in the act of dying or completely fine and able to drive this upcoming week. Just because Monster Trucks thrive off of fan interaction does not mean these people owe us every detail of their lives every moment of the day. Respect the mans privacy like you respect his legacy, whatever he chooses to do moving forward is entirely his decision. I hope for all the best but he has already given everything he has got to this sport for 35 years. All I care about is seeing him retire with his health and well being first and foremost.
  12. let me know if this works http://www.mediafire.com/file/7rjir4dv5b75h0a/Rigs-of-Rods-0.4.6.exe
  13. First off that "monster jam geek" is a complete and utter moron. Secondly if you actually watch Dennis's flip in racing, he lands on the left side of cage, not the right which is where it collapsed. Trying to use an image from a video of something that is in motion is to be expected from someone of such stupidity. Here is a screen cap of the video board at Tampa while he was trying to refire, the only thing that shows any kind of "damage" is paint scuff of the formed plating they use to cover the entire roof. The A pillar bar is not even bent, now I am not saying that the bar was not structurally perfect but use your brain people. Feel free to pass this along to monster jam dumbass as I refuse to get twitter because of mouth breathers such as himself running rampant on there. Link to the crash in racing
  14. There is your answer, any posts pertaining to what exactly happened regardless if they are factual or not will be removed.
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