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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Excuse my slow ass, I realize now the ramer reference in regards to Jimmy's chassis now.
  2. That is the one they bought off of Rod Wood correct?
  3. So I have been getting some messages pertaining to the upcoming season of SMRA. Here are somethings I would like to address: I am looking for someone to run the second tour if possible, if not I will be overseeing both and just alternating weeks (there will probably be only 5-6 events per tour in this case). If there is someone here who has reasonable experience in running a event properly and is comfortable with giving it a try, feel free to PM me. Thanks to NAMT, there are several members that made some absolutely beautiful trucks. I felt that it be unjust to not allow people to use them in SMRA. So for this season, any returning competitor are allowed to change or update their SMRA truck without having to "pay". Just ensure that it is how you want it as once the season starts you will have to pay for any changes thereafter. I have been toying with the idea of introducing fitted node beams to SMRA (some of you are aware that I have figured out a plausible swaybar setup to stop body roll). If you do not understand what this means, basically the skeleton of the truck will be matched to whatever chassis you are running. Meaning trucks will handle differently and (hopefully) be more realistic. I put up a poll to see the interest but be forewarned, there will be some growing pains if it is implemented (models will have to be re aligned and shock2 setups redone) and will require fine tuning but I believe it will be beneficial for the entire community. Other then that, more of the same simplistic fun that SMRA has always been about. If there is anything else that you need answered or would like to ask please feel free to post below!
  4. Who would have thought that ignoring would be so difficult? If a member spamming truck requests is enough to make you tilted, I think you should re-evaluate somethings in your life....
  5. No. Nobody is under any obligation to make anything, that is why it is a request. He is atleast doing that correctly now, baby steps.
  6. I still need to update/revise Torque's chassis, keep forgetting....
  7. Remember when the electrical issues with SUD a few years back that followed Ryan around for the better part of a year and a bit? Any issues with electrical components suck to pinpoint.
  8. non windowed canopy = rolling probably cause
  9. Its been a good while since I have seen the ole "I have/someone I know "crewed" for a team" be used but god damn the fireworks afterwards are always worth it 😊
  10. Gale Banks appears to be tossing a hat into the diesel monster truck ring
  11. @fernBurn only lift it if it increases suspension travel, lifting it just to fit bigger tires is a waste of money. @NitroMenace LS swap it 🤩
  12. @NitroMenace Hardwired is the original Randy Barton built Stinger that Zane ran, Benji Wilmore owns it now. Monkey after looking at some photos is the original gen 1 PEI that Simms owned (Steven ran it as a mud truck a couple of times like the old Mopar Magic)
  13. to be honest most people wouldnt be able to follow it regardless...
  14. Having followed this sport since the 90s, I have played every conceivable video game with a monster truck in it. The amount of them that have turned out to be even remotely decent (without having to mod) is laughable. Do I want the game to be bad? No. I am just being realistic with what has come before and the video game industry in its current state.
  15. Probably 31, 29 was retired aswell.
  16. @NitroMenace 34 is Krysten's CRD, Tyler got Adam's old Legend (32). From what I can see, Colton is driving the most current CRD iteration available (front towers have a proper bend while the rear is peaked at where the shocks mount). I dont know if he got a new chassis or he is "borrowing" somebody else's. hope that helps
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