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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Not entirely correct, ORI built the current xtermigator chassis, the one he has pictured is from last year.
  2. first two posts are truck requests, lets see if it becomes a trend.
  3. @TheEnragedPigmentation Look at my chassis pack in the scrapyard, Dragon and Monster Mutt Junkyard Dog/Dalmatian 2015 are smaller cabs
  4. Unsure how I feel about how the front clip/grill looks, rims might have looked better color matched to the chassis rather then white. Kudos for using lights on the back of the cab.
  5. set smooth with a nice edge split on that 👌
  6. Ignore huh? Face it, you can't. Have you actually legitimately put in a proper amount of time and effort into something that was taken and distributed publicly without your knowledge or consent? (This is a rhetorical question by the way) Drop the attitude already, if you think I'm posting to step on your toes, you are sorely mistaken.
  7. Some creators do care about what they make being released before they do or at all. But by all means keep stepping on toes...
  8. because dem upvotes I have made those revisions but have not released them, been slacking lately
  9. @iZonarYT At the end of the day its your truck, sponsor emblem placement is much less intrusive on this iteration👍
  10. So it looks like Matt is getting the new chassis for Jester while Kraken will be on the old Jester chassis
  11. Personally, the sponsors on the body is too distracting, I would ghost the flame pattern for the length of the body behind the city outline. Just me though....
  12. incoming skype, aim and email account unauthorized log ins
  13. Simple really, stay away from the 6.0L's and you will be fine, 7.3L with a ZF6 trans will provide almost zero issues if the trucks been looked after. LLY or LBZ? I would be doing some research into that, duramax's are not immune to flaws and they are relatively the most expensive of the big three to fix.
  14. Welcome back! 4.7 also messed with vehicle power/traction aswell, its super weird but instantly noticeable. So currently on here we use 4.6
  15. a render has been released for a future body for Razin Kane team, Wolf's Head Oil
  16. It's a formed bend to make getting in and out easier 👍
  17. Sticking with the oil field theme, it now has a name and scheme. Rough Neck
  18. another Go-N-Big chassis built by a fellow on Vancouver Island.
  19. It's just black pearl with a different scheme
  20. Matt did not run the old BS2000 chassis in vegas for the YGS, he ran Vaters Sr's truck
  21. I started having the same issue on windows 7 when I put my 1050ti in, still have the issue currently on my new build and I have been asked by 3 others about the issue. The only work around I have heard about is @worldfinals setting his nvidia control panel to use the integrated graphics for blender and it ceasing. I believe he is on a laptop though....
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