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Here it is, the very first event of UMTC! This is going to be the start of a very memorable season I'm sure for many of you. Remember that the top 8 times from this event are locked in for the first points event of the season, and the fastest time gets dibs on their opponent for racing!

Just as a reminder for the rules:

1. Visibly straying from the indicated course will count as an Out Of Bounds finish. If this happens, this means your run is over.

2. Rolls do not stop your time. If you roll and cannot recover, YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO RESET WHERE YOUR TRUCK SETTLES.

3. If during your roll you fell off the side of a cliff or something of that nature, you are allowed to respawn at the point before your truck fell off. We are not going to stop time for you to respawn there, so have your SAVE_POS key handy if you want to save time.

4. Time will only run between the start and finish line. Whatever happens in between, as long the officials don’t think you’re taking forever, you’re good to go. Times exceeding a specific maximum will count as a DNF.


Sign-ups cap at 36 drivers!

Event Time:
Tuesday, June 16 7:30 EST
Event chat open: 7:00 EST
Event start: 7:30 PM EST

Track - http://www.mediafire.com/file/xd1qhyuaahqz9ad/RockCrawlHeaven.zip/file
Stream - https://mixer.com/UMTC
Roster of Eligible Drivers - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xHMRxYosUaJQfPaB56TDd-f0k6OTP5Yamd2FJrO5Lx4/


Video Example: 



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