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New to ROR and I Need a Bit of Help


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Is it possible to setup a controller properly in ROR? So far I can only get a controller to make the trucks accelerate uncontrollably as soon as I hop in a truck, and steering with a keyboard is waaay too slow for my liking.

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I'm using a PS4 controller. I found a config file for a PS4 controller on the ROR repository but that just makes me accelerate uncontrollably. So I tried making my own with the ROR input manager, but when all was said and done and put the new file I just made in the config folder nothing happen. No steering, no throttle, no brake, etc.

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Do you have the correct drivers installed for the controller?  Are you using any extra software that makes the PS4 controller emulate an Xbox controller?  Also make sure any .map file you are using is not called "input.map," that is the .map used for the keyboard.  If you are using the mapping tool, the .map filename has to be exactly what Rigs of Rods is looking for when it recognizes your controller.  You can check what the file name needs to be with the input mapping tool.

Open the text file and check the VendorMapFilename line - if it doesn't match the input map names in the zip, you will have to rename one of the input maps to that filename.

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Windows just says it's a MAP file, so I don't know if that means it's a input.map file or just a .map file. Also I use Steam to make the PS4 controller act as Xbox controller but that's it. I tried adding ROR to steam too and that still didnt make anything work. Also, what text file am I supposed to be opening?

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