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Jack M's Vehicle Prop Pack 1

Do you want more things to put on your tracks? Here are more things to put on your tracks.
I created a pack full of different vehicle props, ranging from cars and trucks, to semi trucks and trailers, to quad bikes and dirt bikes, all for you to decorate your track with and provide some additional scenery. Take your middle-of-nowhere speedway track and turn it into a middle-of-nowhere speedway track surrounded by rust-buckets and semi trucks.

In the zip are four separate blend files:
Civilian Cars is a collection of cars that I've put together using various Testmobile bases, modifying his cars to create new variations or creating entirely new vehicles altogether. A lot of these cars are really old, but I mainly used textures that I had already made for old MTM2 tracks of mine that were set in the 2000's.
Seven of the cars in the blend were not made by me, except for me resizing them and adding wheels from Testmobile's pack. They are from a very old game called Mercedes-Benz World Racing and are possibly older than that (they've been passed around for a long time), but these are my improved versions. I set them aside from the rest of the models in the blend file.
Rigs and Trailers is a collection of modified and custom semi truck cabs as well as trailers, made using MaxDMan and Testmobile props. The camper rig was made using an RV prop from Flatout 2 combined with the Testmobile box truck cab.
ATVProps is a cartoon-y ATV model I found that I reworked, retextured, and made to look like a pro quad bike, at least somewhat. Six variations are included.
Flatout2Bikes is a dirt bike model taken from the game Flatout 2, except with modified textures and a kickstand added for realistic placement on a track. Nine variations are included.

Most of these base models are not mine.
For the bulk of the modeling work, I have to credit MaxDMan, Testmobile, Bugbear Entertainment, and Synetic GmBH. I just reworked, retextured, and repurposed much of their work.


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