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3 Screenshots

About This File

I know it doesn't even slightly resemble the 2005 variant of the track, I just started building and put some 05 banners around and it felt appropriate. Enjoy! (P.S. I made this in 5 hours 😜 so its nots perfect, but I think its solid enough for release) 


Stadium: MaxDMan, Klayton

Banners: From Jack Merkle's Atlanta 07, if there is a more specific creator lmk.

Cars: Slicks old Cars, dunoo where the pack went to credit...

Other: sm community

If I forgot someone please let me know!

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   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 members

Kinda laggy on my computer, but its a very well made track



What truck pack did you use to take photos of the track with?


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