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Files posted by Klayton

  1. Well after becoming irritated about my FPS dropping over obstacles, I have lowered the polys on my car models. I got rid of the bumpers and bevels on all of them.

    ******Make sure you get rid of my old car models*******
  2. Sorry guys, I meant to release this back in December. This stadium model has been completely redone since my last Arlington track. Enjoy

    Credits: Me, Google, Hot Shoe, Casey
    1,542 5
  3. The wait is over folks. This was the best replica track I had ever made until moving on to new textures. Enjoy!

    Mirror 1 - 1024

    Credits: Me, Brian, Casey
    1,841 8
  4. Meant to upload this earlier but I was busy working (which means the start/finish poles are stupidly oversized ). Anyways, this track has been alpha splatted and uses a new dirt texture I have made. If you lag raise the numbers in the ground.material file under CBSdirt.png.

    Mirror 2 - FPS

    Credits: Me, Google, Liquidfire, Hot Shoe, Danny Mackey
    2,202 1
  5. Credits go to Captain Squidward (Mark Colineri) for the base of Paul Brown Stadium. I did multiple modifications to make the stadium stand out a bit more and made my own club box texture. Also Casey for his vehicles and a few of his stadium textures.

    Even Racing Lanes Now
    2,202 10
  6. Credits

    Casey - Oakland2011 stadium/stadium textures
    DCW - Exporting to own terrain

    If i forgot you pls tell me.
    1,608 4
  7. Here's a present to all SM users. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the track


    Casey - Cars,vans,bus/vehicle textures
    RKM - Camper
    Justin Olander - Trailer
    ARF - For letting me make an AME2 obstacle

    *Texture for trailer was hand done by me*
    1,635 5
  8. This was my 1st track that I made for what was Season 3. More tracks to come. Enjoy.

    1st - 2048
    2nd - 1024


    Casey, Brian, Me
    1,254 7
  9. Here is a fun track to mess around on. Made a few weeks ago and wanted to release it for the Labor Day Weekend. I highly recommend using the 2048 version because the 1024 is very blurry. But anyways, enjoy

    Liquid - Cars
    2,284 10
  10. Another track that was made for S3. Enjoy.

    Mirror 1 - 1024
    Mirror 2 - 2048

    Credits: Me and Casey (wallbanners and bottom half of the pressbox)
    1,579 2
  11. The December 2012 Minneapolis show. I believe this is the first monster truck track in Rigs of Rods to use the Alpha Splatting technique to get higher quality textures (If not I really don't care). The dirt texture was made by me so if you want to use it you may. The track is not a 100% replica. Anyways, expect to see the rest of my tracks using this new system of texturing. Enjoy!

    Credits: Me, Danny, Liquidfire, and Casey
    2,886 4
  12. Who's ready for another season of SSRS?

    Being that this was the last show to ever be held in the Metrodome, I thought I would go ahead and make it go out with a bang for Rigs of Rods. The stadium has been redone from ground up, added a concourse for the hell of it, and once again Alpha Splatted the track with another new dirt texture. I hope you guys enjoy

    Go into the Minny2013.material, Minny2013FS.material, and 2013MinnyTarp.material files
    Search for "material SOLID/TEX/Minny2013.png" and "material SOLID/TEX/2013MinnyTarp.png" and then raise the bolded numbers. Keep the ratio the same between the numbers (6 digit difference)
    receive_shadows on
    // base pass
    lighting off
    // we use the metal plates texture as the base, other textures are blended over it
    texture 2014MinnyDirt.png
    scale 0.03 0.09
    // leaks pass
    lighting off
    // blend with former pass
    scene_blend alpha_blend
    // only overwrite fragments with the same depth
    depth_func equal
    // alpha map for the leaks
    texture 2013MinnyTarp.png
    // use alpha from this texture
    alpha_op_ex source1 src_texture src_texture
    // and colour from last pass
    colour_op_ex source2 src_texture src_texture
    // detail texture
    texture leak.png
    // the scale is set to 1:1 because we don't want this texture to be tiled
    scale 1 1
    // alpha blend colour with colour from last pass
    colour_op_ex blend_diffuse_alpha src_texture src_current
    // lighting pass
    ambient 1 1 1
    diffuse 2.3 2.3 2.3
    depth_func equal
    scene_blend zero src_colour

    Hot Shoe
    2,302 8
  13. So yea here's Oakland. Went through hell to make the stadium. Racing is a bit hard since the turn cars are a bit close to the edges of the turn...you'll see what I mean. Anyays have fun!

    Credits: Me, Google, Liquidfire, Danny Mackey, Hot Shoe (Light bulb, crowd [edited by me]).
    5,400 7
  14. Well after many months of procrastinating, this track has finally made it's way back into Blender and now up for download. This is my first track I have released that uses my new skyline system and transparent lighting. Hope you guys enjoy!

    You are free to use my railing, skyline, and transparent lighting textures as long as I am credited.

    Mirror 1 - 2048
    Mirror 2 - 1024

    Credits: Me, Google, Liquidfire, Danny, and Hot Shoe.
    2,392 6
  15. So I came across this and it was never released. It was unfinished and just something to play around on. Its about 2 years old I think.
    Textures to their respective owners
    641 2
  16. Another season 3 track of mine.

    Mirror 1 - 1024


    Casey, Brian, Me
    1,515 5
  17. Here are the shock models I made for when we started doing V5.
    These are also the models that Johan and Mark used to make their models.
    You may or may not need to change the rotation of them.

    Add this to the managedmaterials line in the .truck file:
    shockbody mesh_standard Feldshockbody.png Feldshockbody-spec.png
    shockbody2 mesh_standard Feldshockbody2.png Feldshockbody2-spec.png
    shockshaft mesh_standard Feldshocks.png Feldshocks-spec.png
  18. Happy Thanksgiving guys. I wish I could have released my recent projects earlier, but midterms were more important. This is a revamped version of my old RCD stadium from last year with better obstacles and an overall better track to play on. Hope you guys enjoy!


    Hot Shoe - Letting me edit his crowd texture
    Ethan Dean - Letting me use his racing idea he used for one of his old tracks

    *NOTE* - You may use any of my textures as long as credits are given.
    6,968 23
  19. Well, I converted my old Red Digger from V3 into V4 and added some cool effects to it. Enjoy.

    *NOTE: This is not a standalone file. Place into your V4 pack.

    Credits: Us V4 staff people
    2,315 10
  20. Here is my new transmissison I made a few months back. Been meaning to upload it. Anyways, here ya go

    Use 2014tranny249.blend if you use Blender 2.49
    Use 2014tranny.blend if you use Blender 2.6 or higher
    Both will need to be sized down to an appropriate size
    This is the transmission that Johan used on his Bearfoot and new Armed Forces. Please use this one instead of importing the one used in his versions as this comes complete with edge splits, etc

  21. Need to upload this before I forget. It's a fun little track with loads of detail. Enjoy

    Credtis: Everything is mine with the exception of the door on the Saloon, Crowd texture is both mine and Hot Shoe's, and the Skyline texture is from Torque3D.
    1,407 2
  22. Really clean track layout and alot of fun to race on .

    Mirror 1 - 2048
    Mirror 2 - 1024


    Casey, Brian, Me
    1,730 7
  23. Well I completely forgot that I was supposed to make part of the stadium non contactable and didn't have enough time to do so. Anyways, enjoy!

    Mirror 2 - FPS

    Credits: Me, Google, Hot Shoe (Original crowd texture, edited by me)
    1,582 0
  24. This should keep you guys satisfied for awhile. Also comes with the test version of Legend.

    This version is setup on the old n/b I used before making a new one. It is by no means complete. All meshes besides Legend's body and SUD's chassis were modeled by me and all paints done by me.

    Running out of memory, leading to a crash of RoR (Most likely the High Quality version)
    Once in awhile you'll get a stiff rebound. This is caused by the limit strap node/beam. I cannot remove it without it messing up prop placements/settings
    This is a standalone file. It does not need to be extracted. Simply put in vehicles folder.

    Mirror 1 - HD
    Mirror 2 - 1200
    Mirror 3 - 2048


    Nicholas Kozak - Chassis, help with SUD paint
    Andrew Sheets - Legend Body
    Me - Everything else
    Box5 - node beam (highly modified by me)
    Chadwick (DirtyDawg) - SUD reference photos
    John Dough - SUD reference photos
    1,801 28
  25. Time to start releasing some more tracks.

    Mirror 1 - 2048
    Mirror 2 - 1024


    Me, Google, Liquid/Casey, and K.Cmods (original scoreboard textures)
    1,365 12
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