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Posts posted by stelbert

  1. Thank you ever so much for the leafers!they are the ones that take me back to when i first discovered monster trucks,battle of the monster trucks was on the tv for the first time in the uk!just missing Rolling Thunder,lol Thank you once again for all your hard work :)

  2. Hi everyone,just wondered if you could help me?after ive downloaded and placed the unzipped truck files in packs,regen the cache,save and played certain trucks will not load and i get the error message,so i go into my packs file and have noticed some of the files have blue font?are these ones that are causing the problems as the certain trucks are v4 replicas?

  3.  im a Newbie too,well 2 week old newbie! Im literally gobsmacked With the whole package!the quality and attention to detail on the trucks is just spot on,The way each truck handles and behaves is just as individual and unique as the Truck its been modelled on :) Fantastic work guys and gals :D

  4. Yey!Thank you ever so much :D I missed a classic photo op a few hours ago,I Hit a ramp,well as i got closer i realised it was more of a backflip container!hit it so hard i pogo'ed off the top edge and landed nose first just on the bottom of safety barriers and it just wedged,straight up vertical!

    You had to have seen it to appreciate it dude :)

    Thanks once again

  5. Hello there,Ive been looking for the last hour and a half in rigsandrods.com and here trying to find out

    How you take a screenshot when in game??

    Ive mentally exhausted myself as ive been getting used to sim-monsters since 10am yesterday morning!!

    and ive still just less than half of the trucks i havent driven yet,lol.

    So if you could possibly help i would be ever so grateful,

       thanks, michael :rolleyes:

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