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Posts posted by ThePatrickFrick32

  1. I apologize if I may be a bother, but I watched your video , did every step.... the tires will NOT SHOW it is just the rims that are showing??. Is there anything else I must do, because I did every step.


    Do I need to add all the files that came with the download made by John.... the JPG's?

    Do I need to remove EVERYTHING that had to do with the old tires in the .truck file and the jpgs?

    Again I apologize for being a pain.


  2. Hello, I just had a quick question on how to add bkt tires to my trucks. I tried adding them to my Grinder 2013 revamp, but the tires disappeared and the body literally flipped and went through the roof! This issue has been really frustrating me, if you could please help THX.

  3. Hi, just a quick question. How do you adjust the steering wheel to the driver models hand? For example the new GDTL 2015 truck has a driver model hand that does not meet with the steering wheel, unless of course I have installed it wrong...


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