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Files posted by CP3

  1. This pack will update with more versions sometime later.
    Thank you to Jam Customs for letting me put his designs into ROR.
    718 1
  2. Pack includes Austin Minton's Bounty Hunter along with my ride for WRA, Knucklehead. Now includes Minton's Megalodon.
    Nicholas Kozak- Chassis
    John Dough- Body
    Klayton Halog- Axle Base
    Micheal Murray- Air Filter/ Transcooler
    Chazzy- Body Paints
    Me - Retexturing/Blender work/Node Edit/Sponsor Plate
    Fernando Martinez - Everything that makes up the fuel cell, and the base textures
    Andrew Sheets - Adding Dirt to the Cell
    Andrew - SIR Tires
    4,845 3
  3. Not an open custom
    Me: Modifying the body, paint, and repainting various things, Blender/.truck work
    Harlow: Original Body
    Andrew/Fern: Motor and Fuel Cell
    Fern: Radiator
    Steele:  ISP Seat
    Clayton: Original Body
    Will: Mini  
    Crazy: Cheetah Shifter
    Nathan H: Shock Models, Chassis modifications 
    Outlawed: Original Chassis
    SM Community: All other props
    371 0
  4. Paint and Blender work was done by me
    Kyle did material file and NAMT setting
    702 0
  5. Figured I'd attempt making the mohawk considering seeing all the other Fire GCMW's with the mohawk ripped from Steel Titans. Could be better, could be worse. Also want to thank Bryant for the great paint.
    Bryant Steggall - Paint
    jedipresence - Original painted head
    Kozak - Chassis
    Andrew - 540 Merlin, Fuel Cell, Fans/Radiators
    Fern - Fuel Cell and Merlin engine, etc.
    Klayton - Body, Tires, Transmission & Battery
    Me - Blender work and Mohawk model
    SM - Other stuff 
    1,803 2
  6. Jam Customs did part of the paint while I did the other part of the paint and put the truck together
    1,348 5
  7. Held this for awhile and its time to give it out.
    Blender/truck building - Me, Zmann5499.
    Paint - Jackson B/Mike Boland.
    Everything else - SM Community
    1,613 13
  8. Decided to make this truck and put it in a youtube video and got a lot of request for it so here it is.
    Body, Batteries, & Rims - Klayton
    Paint - Edy/CP3/Mike Boland
    Chassis & Headers - Kozak
    Engine - Wambo
    Shocks, Prop placement, Truck file Placements, & Sponsor Plate- fernBurn
    1,654 18
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