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Files posted by AaronjMitch

  1. This is a TMNT Truck Pack with all 4 turtles. It's more of as close of a replica to the Irl versions of Ralph an Mikey, Leo and Donnie are just Customs based off of the show.
    Credit to me for Sharpening up the paints to look less pixelated. I also added the colors for the different Turtles, the Rims and Shocks.
    My friend Garrett for Cloning the truck, putting the Chassis together and transferring the bodies and paints. 
    And credits to the Creator of the SMV4 Paint and Body for TMNT.
    Also credit to the creator of the Chassis.
    I Hope You All Enjoy!!!

    870 3
  2. I didn't plan on releasing this at first but i'm actually quite happy with it, i hope you guys are to
    Credits to me for the Paint and Adam or AbgamerX
    Credit for the Chassis and Other stuff to the respectful creator
    I hope you enjoy
    3,338 12
  3. Credit to Adam or AbgamerX for Cloning the truck and changing some nodes, I've slightly changed some things on the body for this version, this took Awhile to make, it's still not 100% accurate by a long shot but it will work for now
  4. This is my first file and first version of the file, I understand if you don't like it and there will be updates, I just did all of the paint for it, Adam or AbgamerX changed some nodes so the truck doesn't get shoved back when hitting the backflip ramp, he also cloned the truck for me because i didn't know how to XD. There are 2 version of the truck which include a breakable and a non breakable.
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