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Posts posted by riquesdad

  1. I have installed both versions, into my content folder and my mods folder. Its not anywhere in my terrains when i load the game. Also now, when i try to re-download, says "Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file" on everything. Any Ideas? There are a few tracks i cannot find but this one I really wanted to play. Thanks in advance.

  2. How do I get the rear steer to work on an Xbox one controller? I've changed the command to 1 and 2, and gone through the controller configuration, but no where does it mention rear steer. I used to have it to where X and B controlled rear steer. Can anyone help?

  3. Hi Guys,

    I am trying to figure out how to add tracks, but I dont have a terrain folder or a packs forlder. I also have ROR folder under Program Files (x86), and a Rigs of Rods 0.4 in my documents. I am new to this and I would love some help. Figured out how to add trucks (I think), but tracks elude me. 


  4. So even after launching, still no folder, it does have a Mods Folder, and i put the trucks in there, and they work, but I cannot control Rear Steer with Controller. IDC if front and rear are linked, or if they are independent. I just want rear steer to work.

  5. Hi, My Name is Gilbert,

    An I am BRAND new to this site and this game. I cant figure out how to get the trucks I've downloaded into the game. in my ROR folder, there is no Vehicles folder, so I don't know how to add it. Also,  how do i add the tracks?

    Thanks in advance. Also, how do you make rear steer work on Xbox One Controller?

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