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About This File


- Clutch Pedal = Brake

- Right Pedal = Accelerate

Logitech G Driving Force Shifter:

- 4th Gear (straight up from Neutral position) = Left Rear Steer

- 5th Gear (straight down from Neutral position) = Right Rear Steer

                  - Keep the shifter in Neutral to keep rear tires straight

                  - You can leave it in 4th or 5th gear to keep the wheels locked to that side

Racing Wheel Essentials:

- Steering Wheel itself = Front Wheel Steering

- Left Paddle = Shift Down

- Right Paddle = Shift Up

Racing Wheel Cont:

- A = Toggle Truck Engine On/Off (Also serves as a discount RII Toggle)

- X = Save Truck Position

- Y = Reset Truck

- B = Load Truck Position

- Share Button = Change Camera

- LSB = Toggle HUD

- RSB = Enter / Exit Truck

- Menu Button (Hold) = Truck Ignition

. . .

More controls will be added when I find the time to do so. I plan on having controls for outside of the truck to walk around as well as adding quickload/save for 0.4.8 players. 

. . .

- If there are any questions, problems or assistance needed, please DM me.





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