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BearFoot 2019 (Phelps) REPLI- CUSTOM 1.0.0

   (1 review)

4 Screenshots

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I have been working on this truck for weeks still needs improvement when started could not find good photos but I will be reuploading within next couple weeks with updates including, goodyear tires, hopefully a concussion chassis, and other minor details. Sorry for bad first upload of truck again I will be updating truck as soon as I get time. Ladies Gentlemen I give you the new teammate truck to Monster Patrol BearFoot Driven by Clint Watson.



Paint  Me 

Cloning  Monsterjamman12503

original truck PaukenDigger

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17 hours ago, ThatOneGamer2K19 said:

why BKTs.... the truck doesn't even compete in monster jam

I'm assuming that this a repli-custom for the fact that theirs quite a few things different from the real truck like the chassis. If that is true, then the tires don't really matter and it should at least be identified as a repli-custom

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1 hour ago, PaukenDigger said:

I'm assuming that this a repli-custom for the fact that theirs quite a few things different from the real truck like the chassis. If that is true, then the tires don't really matter and it should at least be identified as a repli-custom

Yes and I will be uploading a better version within the next week or two these were things i did not notice (other than tires) because i could nit find good photos 

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