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3 Screenshots

About This File

It seemed that a few people liked the original idea of this truck, but it was quite a bit outdated. So, I decided to give it a make-over. From top to bottom, a new body, chassis, motor, the whole nine yards. The design is simple, yet the simplicity is what makes the truck cool. This truck will be open to anyone to drive so long as I do not sign up with it. If you plan on wanting to run it for a league, just check with me to see if I had planned on running it or not. For single events, no need to ask me, just go for it.

Two mirrors are included for this truck. The first, which should be "WickedWillys2" is the truck with the normal Ukraine Tire texture. The second, which should be "WickedWillys2UKTireUpdate" is the truck with the Ukraine Tire texture pictured above. Download either one you want, but just note, if you download the texture update, it will overwrite the texture already included with the pack.


Cab/Original UKTire Texture/Cyclone Gearbox: Klayton

Bed: Chris Hamilton

ISP Seat: Crazy

Paint/Body Editing: Me

Chassis: Kozak

Everything Else: V4 Pack Creators

If I missed anyone, I apologize. Please let me know so I can add you to the credits.

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