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Mark Colineri

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Mark Colineri last won the day on May 20 2022

Mark Colineri had the most liked content!

About Mark Colineri

  • Birthday 02/18/1998

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  • Location
    Somewhere Not Important

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. The front shock angle looks quite extreme
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Brought back an old name to run in RORMTL Thanks @KillSwitch for putting this together for me
  3. Mark Colineri Mark Colineri#3092 Cranford, New Jersey 13 years
  4. Hating just to hate must be fun. If you want to ignore the work that was done, and the fact that the trucks are literally 1:1 with their real life counterparts, that's up to you. It detracts none from what has been accomplished with this no matter how much you think your baseless comment matters. Thank you for downloading, Merry Christmas!
  5. If you would like for this league to stay in the active leagues please host an event within 1 month. Failure to due so will result in league removal. If it is dead already please reply letting me know its good to remove. If this is just your offseason let me know as well, exceptions can be made.
  6. Mark Colineri Mark Colineri#3092 Jeckyll and Hyde It's in there I think
  7. Mark Colineri Mark Colineri#3092 Cranford, New Jersey Mr. Twister TBA
  8. Quite a group of us that I know of are heading to Orlando this weekend for the World Finals, and funnily enough sitting in the same section. I figured it would be cool to do a Sim-Monsters meetup and possibly snag a group photo. We are going to plan to meet at the triple Avengers in the pit party around 3:00 on Saturday. Hope to meet some of you finally!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Blue Thunder. My ride for RORMJL. Only straight W's. All credit to @Nick Worthmen for putting this together, really appreciate it.
  10. Mark Colineri Mark Colineri#3092 Cranford, New Jersey Stadium pls Friday, Saturday, Sunday
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