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Files posted by crazyman444

  1. Here is the updated version for v4, only the first of a possible updates.
  2. Well had this track laying around, kinda forgot about it, was made for season 3, but Now for your playing pleasure here is Birmingham 2012.


    Ground texture - Me
    Meshes - Me

    And to those that made the arena, crowd and car textures, I am horrible at remembering who.
    997 6
  3. Here is Damian Bowers ride for SMRA inspired by awesome kong the skinny version. It has a functioning tilt bed by pressing f4 and f3. Engine must be on.
  4. Welcome to the Indianapolis Jamboree

    Racing is similar to the Anaheim track except on your second time back you hit the cars, a track x picture will be posted later on for those who have not seen this style before.

    Thanks to:

    Casey, RKM, and Jordan for testing and Liquidfire for the Stands texture
    1,859 2
  5. Hagerstown Speedway welcomes the Monsters back to a short and fast straight line drag. Races will be close and hole shots will determine most of the races.

    Note: Do not slam into the freestyle jumps, you approach them slow down a little and the gas it up them. In racing, line up on the bottom of the first roller. One lane is on the bank and other is on the flat.
    1,400 3
  6. Hagerstown Speedway 2011 version, Racing lanes are cut for freestyle. Racing it self has been made alot more harder, trying to make driver input more need on a straight line.
    I think I might have accomplished that.


    Have Fun!!
    1,126 0
  7. Welcome Fans to the Wawa Coliseum which is actually a small rodeo style arena. Drivers will be tested on handling a truck is one of the tightest arenas yet. Inspired by the 1998 Beaumont, TX USA Motorsport show. But again with some changes, you will use the turning cars in the obstacle course. Straight line is pretty straight forward, (pun intended), one jump reaction based. Also there is a tough truck version of the course. Racing layouts are in the screen shots.
    521 0
  8. Welcome to the Sheetz Center, a USA Motorsports inspired track that has some tight turns and a really quick straight line that has a very short shut down area. The big rollers in the center are the start for the straight line. And the outside is where the Obstacle course starts.
    399 1
  9. Well here is the J Hook track that I have been working on. There maybe some updates in the future.
    902 6
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