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Posts posted by crazyman444

  1. I know max d already got in but i think grave digger the legend should be there to see which digger would win it will be awsome if son uva grave digger and gravedigger the legnd were there for this world finals :D

    Grave Digger the Legend has "qualified" for the world finals.

  2. Just wanted to have a discussion on the upcoming world finals.

    Thoughts on who you think deserves the championships and maybe even driver choice that have made or deserve a spot.

    O and please if you have feld hatred please keep that to your self, disagreements are fine but bashing is not needed.

    Qualified Trucks/Drivers

    In Order

    1. Grinder -------- Lupe Soza
    2. Grave Digger --- Dennis Anderson
    3. Monster Mutt --- Charlie Pauken
    4. Iron Man ------- Lee O'Donnell
    5. AirForce ------- Damon Bradshaw
    6. Avenger -------- Jim Koehler
    7. Bounty Hunter -- Jim Creten
    8. TMNT ----------- Pablo Huffaker
    9. Madusa --------- Madusa
    10. Crusader ------- Linsey Weenk
    11. Max-D ---------- Tom Meents
    12. MM Dalmatian --- Candice Jolly
    13. Captains Curse - Alex Blackwell
    14. Batman --------- Norm Miller
    15. Superman ------- Chad Fortune
    16. Nitro Circus --- Cam McQueen
    17. Mohawk Warrior - George Balhan
    18. El Toro Loco --- Marc McDonald
    19. GD the Legend -- Adam Anderson
    20. Shock Therapy -- Jon Zimmer
    21. Stone Crusher -- Steve Sims
    22. Brutus --------- Chris Bergeron
    23. Spiderman -- Chad Tingler
    24. Backdraft -- Jeremy Slifko

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  3. i may get it depending on, dont have the best computer, and never been a fan of computer shooters, too many buttons. Normally play RTS games.

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