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Posts posted by BoomBaby

  1. Ok so i want wheel For ROR, But being that im 13 and only get $20 a month dosent help, Are there any good but cheap wheels out there, Im talking $80 tops, any suggestions? looking for one with easy access to buttons for RWS and shift, or just easy access for RWS and a sick shift, my hands are pretty much average for a 13 year old btw, so any suggestions???

  2. Ok, now not ALL of the trucks are white just some such as predator and that whole team, 2extreme, blue thunder captains curse blacksmith, it seems like the same types of body styles are either all white or arent, maybe its because i unloaded all the files into the vehicles folder? or is it just my video card, because if i can fix it, i want to fix it, thanks in advance!

  3. alright ill be there, just dont expect super awesome quality, im doing it with zdsoft, and

    this the quality you will get, and some of the trucks have white bodys for me on my crappy video card, but its better than nothing, do you want to not allow trucks that show up white for me? i can reply to someone that has a truck that shows up white if you want (max d from v3 pack is white for me, sorry :( dont know if i can do anything to fix it, but it seems that when i click on the body picture, and click properties on that, if its over 1mb it shows up white, but if its under, it shows up
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