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Posts posted by Erik2023

  1. I got the exact flame pattern for the backflip wall. I also got the right colors for the dirt and flames. I also have a freestyle version with worn down dirt and tire tracks overlays overlayed onto it. The overlays I got from Google Images.



    • Upvote 4
  2. On 1/9/2016 at 12:10 AM, Helen Weales said:


    This is a tutorial explaining the conversion process for the old and new terrain systems for Rigs of Rods 0.36-0.39 (.terrn) to 0.4 (.terrn2).


    The tracks (terrains) we typically use in this community are very simple when compared to traditional RoR ones -- ours are basically models (mesh files) of arenas or pieces of land floating on either:


    • Nothing, which gives the illusion that you are driving in mid-air when outside of the arena/land


    • A small tiled texture (such as concrete, grass or dirt), which is what you typically see if you were to venture outside of an arena.


    "Normal" terrains (for example: Desert Trails) use heightmap images which determine flat land, valleys, peaks, etc. Because our track system is typically so simple, it is not necessary to follow the full conversion process.

    First, let's look at what makes up a terrain for 0.37-0.39 --> 0.4+ (all of these can be edited with any text editor, I prefer WordPad):


    • terrn --> .terrn2: Every terrain needs this. This is what tells RoR there is a track to load -- it contains information such as the track name, spawn point position, object position, etc. This file system was replaced by a combination of both .terrn2 and  .tobj systems in versions .4.0 and up. These are likely all you will need to convert a basic track (read further).
    • cfg --> .otc: Contains info for terrain texture, heightmaps, world sizes, how the texture gets tiled, etc. This file system was replaced by the .otc system in version .4.0 and up. It is not required for a terrain to function.
    • os: This is the configuration file for the Caelum sky/weather, and is the same for all versions of RoR. It is also not a required file, especially if using a skybox model.
    • odef and .material: Technically these are not part of the terrain system, but you will see them. Think of them as extensions for .mesh files (props) -- ODEF tells RoR whether a prop is collidable or not, and what the surface will be (for example: dirt, concrete, asphalt, metal etc). Material files simply contain information for the prop textures and tells RoR how to use a texture (for example: if an object should be shiny, flat, transparent etc). These two file systems are used in every version of RoR so no changes are needed.


    The conversion
    This is very easy and likely only requires the creation of two new files, YourTrack.terrn2 (basic info) and YourTrack.tobj (prop positions).

    Let's start with the main terrain file. Let's assume you want to convert an existing track named Houston2016.terrn. Create a new text file and name it Houston2016.terrn2. Copy and paste the following:

    Name = Your Track
    GeometryConfig = YourTrack.otc
    AmbientColor = 1, 1, 1
    //CaelumConfigFile = YourTrack.os
    StartPosition = 512 0 512
    SandStormCubeMap = tracks/skyboxcol
    Gravity = -9.81
    CategoryID = 129
    Version = 2
    GUID = dc178e9c-840d-443f-b249-434433ae5fd0

    terrain = Your Name



    Replace all instances of "YourTrack" with the name of the terrain you wish to convert (for example: "YourTrack" to "Houston2016"), along with the name of the track and the author's name as follows:

    Name = Houston 2016
    GeometryConfig = houston2016.otc
    AmbientColor = 1, 1, 1
    //CaelumConfigFile = houston2016.os
    StartPosition = 512 101 512
    SandStormCubeMap = tracks/skyboxcol
    Gravity = -9.81
    CategoryID = 129
    Version = 2
    GUID = dc178e9c-840d-443f-b249-434433ae5fd1

    terrain = Helen Weales



    Next, create a text file named Houston2016.tobj. This is the file that determines where your track props will be placed. Copy the following from the old Houston2016.terrn, and paste it in Houston2016.tobj:








    If you want to alter the Caelum sky/weather settings (not required), the following is a template (an example of its filename would be "houston2016.os"):

    caelum_sky_system Houston2016.terrn.os

        sun {
            ambient_multiplier 0.5 0.5 0.5
            diffuse_multiplier 3 3 2.7
            specular_multiplier 0.35 0.35 0.35

            auto_disable_threshold 0.05
            auto_disable true

        moon {
            ambient_multiplier 0.2 0.2 0.2
            diffuse_multiplier 1 1 .9
            specular_multiplier 0.1 0.1 0.1

            auto_disable_threshold 0.05
            auto_disable true

        sky_dome {
            haze_enabled no
            sky_gradients_image WhiteSky.png
            atmosphere_depth_image AtmosphereDepth.png


    Unfortunately I don't know anything about these settings, so alter at your own risk!

    Something worth noting is the "StartPosition" line in the .terrn2 file. This controls where the first truck spawns. It's likely you will want to copy the first three set of numbers from the main model position coordinates (in the .tobj file). Alter as needed.

    Place the new files in the track ZIP or folder (deletion of older files is not necessary and allows for the terrain to be compatible for all RoR versions). Next, open Rigs of Rods 0.4.5 and test the terrain to make sure everything works properly. That's it! A simple process that once learned, should only take a few minutes to complete.


    One final note (not sure how to properly explain this so please bear with me): Your model must be COMPLETELY on or off the tiled portion of the world or else the part not on the tiled portion will be non-collidable. I don't know why this happens.


    Once I figure out how to add mud I will update this tutorial. If anyone knows, please PM me.


    Best of luck.


    THANK YOU! I converted a track that I have been DYING to drive on. 4 Corners Coliseum 2015 Racing and Freestyle versions.

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