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Chris Hamilton

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Files posted by Chris Hamilton

  1. Here it is, the Blue Broker! I do plan on making an update to this truck and making it better in the future, but here is something for you guys to mess around in! I got most of the logos from son of Jim Leahy, Chace Leahy, and I greatly thank him for the fantastic logos he provided! It's not a complete Broker, since I'm not sure how to dial the physics in to handle like the truck, but it's visually great to see on the track. Warning if you guys clone this truck, the UV map is really weird on the truck, and will confuse you guys, just a fair warning. Anyways, enjoy the truck, and see you guys on the track!

    Painting, Body Editing, Cloning- Me
    Logos- Chace Leahy
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    755 4
  2. Another truck from me! Here is the World Finals XI Blue Grave Digger throwback truck Adam drove in the encore. It's just a repaint of Grave Digger XII to resemble the old blue and white panel truck Dennis drove many years ago. Not much use with this truck other than to mess around in and to maybe run an encore at World Finals XI with this truck, a Grave Digger, and the Red Grave Digger that RockCrwlr made. I've also raised the camera inside the roosterpit so that you can see out of the truck for the people who like to drive in-cab. Enjoy!

    Painting, Cloning- Me
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    1,400 2
  3. My first completed track!!!! Have never made a track before this one, and I'm glad you guys love it, so I'm sharing it with you guys!!!! I have no idea how long this track took, but once I got it in game, it was great to see that I'm not just a truck maker, but hopefully make more tracks in the future!!! There's a lot of people who helped me with this, I really thank you guys for that. Happy Thanksgiving, and I'll see you on the track!!!!

    Track- Me
    Cars- Rockcrwlr
    Stadium- Mark Colineri
    Exporting Help/Getting it in-game- Coconut Men

    I also would like to say thank you guys for all the positive feedback you guys gave for me to improve this track!!!!!
    1,067 4
  4. Uploading for Zach Nicholas. This is his custom truck I painted up for him to run. Took some logos from the older V3 truck, and some blue flames to make his truck that he signed up for RoR Outlaws. Only thing I did was paint the truck, the rest of the parts are in the V4 pack. Enjoy!!!!!

    Paint- Me
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
  5. The wait is finally over!!!!! After a long time of working on this track, and getting the bugs worked out, the completed track is here for you guys to enjoy! I'd like to thank everyone for all the support for this track and all the suggestions to make it better. This has been my biggest project thus far, and I'm glad to be finished with this track. Huge thanks goes to my friends and beta testers for all the feedback I got to make this track as good as I can make it. Before anyone asks, no, there's not a Blacksmith in the dumpsters as it will add verts and won't even have the right paint scheme back when Pablo drove it in the actual event. Thank you again for everything and enjoy World Finals 2!!!!!!!!

    Cars/Obstacles- RockCrwlr
    Toolkit Placement- Blair Lockhart
    Texturing/Car Placement- Me
    Beta Testers- Josh Gajewski, Blair Lockhart, Aaron Lurie, Julio Vellon, Mason Watts, Devin Doss, Jack Merkle, thank you guys for the testing!
    2,165 8
  6. How about a World Finals 2 truck as well! This is Pablo's back-up truck he used in freestyle after he flipped his truck into the dumpsters in racing. Not much in the way of logos, but he did tear the truck into the ground! The truck only took me about 20 minutes to paint due to be mainly logos on the truck, and I'm glad of the way it came out. I hope you guys have fun and tear this truck into the ground!!!

    Logos- Google
    Painting/Logo Placing- Me
    Base Chassis- Kozak
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    976 1
  7. Haven't put a truck on in awhile! This is the special Bounty Hunter that Jimmy Creten drove at World Finals 13 in 2012. I did my best to get the truck as close as possible to the actual truck, as this paint was only ran once to my knowledge. It has a completely redone chassis thanks to Kozak's chassis pack, and I fitted the older body on it to make it as realistic as possible. I hope you all enjoy driving this truck, ENJOY!

    Paint Editing/Part Placing- Me
    Chassis Base- Kozak
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    2,153 2
  8. Well, time for a throwback! This is my redone Wrenchead.com truck I have brought back. Updates from the V3 version include a more realistic chassis, paint fixes, and body tweaks. The truck also features some lexan behind the driver, for some added realism. Still have the normal and World Finals 1 version included in the files, so replicating some crashes and amazing moments are now possible. I know I take some time on trucks, but I balance my time for this and my schooling, also try to get the best quality out for you guys as I physically able to. ENJOY!!!!

    Paint/Prop Placement- Me (Support from Colineri and Buckethead, If my memory is good enough when I made it initially )
    Everything Else-Sm Pack Makers

    And to you guys in this community for all the positive feedback I get for possible improvements to every single project I've done in the past, and the near future!
    1,200 1
  9. It's finally here, Marc's new paint scheme of El Toro Loco! This truck has gone through a major paint change as Justin Morris painted an increased replicated paint scheme of this truck than my original. Other than the physical paint change, everything else on the truck is still exactly the same as the original. Not much else to say other than ENJOY!!!!

    Paint- Justin Morris
    Cloning- Me
    Logos- Monster Jam/ Google
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    1,918 3
  10. Time for some fun!!! Here is my finale version for the Monsters of RoR World Finals! Replicating the mud truck and putting it onto a monster truck chassis! I had a lot of fun making this truck and I added some of my own personal flare into some of the roosterpit items and placing them. Also I didn't really paint the truck as majority of it was pasting logos into the right places to make the truck. Good luck to all competitors and enjoy!!!!!

    Logo Placement, Misc. In-Cab Parts- Me
    Logos- Google
    Monster Jam Logos- Monster Jam (Go figure )
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
  11. Here is the latest version of Krazy Train that will be running in the near future. Before anyone comments on this topic, yes it was changed from the version that was seen at Toronto for example. It was actually easier to create this scheme than that version of the truck. I attempted to replicate the roosterpit of the truck to the best of my abilities, as well as the entire chassis. HUGE thanks to Buckethead for hand-painting everything body wise, I didn't do much painting on this project. Not much else to say but ENJOY!

    Body, Various In-cab Components, Prop Placement- Me
    Painting- Buckethead
    Chassis- Kozak
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    778 1
  12. Well here it is! My custom truck that I will be running for the SSRS Custom Series! Took a long time to come up with the concept and paint, but it's finally finished! I have full rights to use this truck in any event, but if you would like to run this truck in a fun run for example, please message me first before signing up in the truck. There's not much else to say but ENJOY!

    Painting, Rear Spoiler, Front Fins, Lexan, Rii Light Bars, Button Box, Toggle Switch, Prop Placement- Chris Hamilton
    Birch RII Box, Driveshafts, Driveshaft Loops- Daniel Donnelly
    Chassis, Muffler Exhaust, Kill Pin- Nicholas Kozak
    Rims- Johan Seminario
    Tires, Shocks, Shock Shafts- Klayton
    Radiators, Batteries- RKM
    ISP Seat- Michael Murray
    Engine- SealedGecko
    Everything Else (That I couldn't think of)- SmPack Makers

    Huge Thanks to Chadwick Deerfoot for his input for the truck as well as Devin Doss for the photo you guys see!
  13. Yay, Chrome is nice. Anyways, this will be the truck I'll be driving for the SMRA World Finals this weekend. HUGE thanks to Chadwick Deerfoot for his help painting the truck as well as Jon Cannon for helping me get managed materials right. Just like any of my Custom Trucks, you guys are open to use the truck as long as you guys message me first and ask for permission first! Anyways, there's not much else to say but enjoy!!!!

    Paint, Prop Placement, Toggle Switch, Button Box, Rii Light Bars, Fuel Cell Holder, Lexan Stuff, Body Modifications- Chris Hamilton
    Birch Rii Box- Daniel Donnelly
    Paint Help- Chadwick Deerfoot
    Chassis, Headers- Nicholas Kozak
    Rims- Johan Seminario
    Engine- Matt Wilkinson
    ISP Seat- Michael Murray
    Radiator- Ryan McCauley
    Everything Else that I can't think of- SmPack Makers
  14. I was missing one, and after like, a year of not doing anything, might as well complete it. Go nuts with this one, and ENJOY!

    Paint, Prop Placement, Button Box, Flag, Toggle Switch, Cloning, Texturing- Me (worldfinals)
    Prop Placement, Rii Box, Physics, Rear Steer Motor, Fuel Cell Holder- Donnelly (DanDon)
    Engine, Tires- Matt (SealedGecko)
    Rims- Johan (acdcfan56)
    Chassis, Shocks, Kill Pin- Kozak
    Radiator, Seat, Batteries- Ryan (RKM)
    Some Logos- Mah 2005 Yearbook
    Everything Else- SmPack Makers
    814 2
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