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Posts posted by Dantesinferno52

  1. Okay so its been a debatable topic among me and my friends and since I don't have a very good computer(Graphics wise). I was wondering what causes more lag; verts or the textures on the track. Thanks for the response guys!!

  2. Call my crazy, but I like watching the older shows when driving actually required skill instead of just laying on the gas and seeing what will happen 

    But we wouldnt be here if it wasnt for some one hitting the gas just a little harder. i admit it was all luck but im pretty sure he didnt intentionally do that nor did Tom intentionally do his little version, its just how monster jam is, its just go faster and harder since now we have equipment to withstand the punishment.

  3. OKC is a young and very talented team but sometimes they let emotions get the better of them. I really wanted Harden to still be on the team cause he was such a great play mkaer but eh tht is how the cookie crumbles. WestBrooke and Durant deferentially one of the most dangerous duos. Honestly the Spurs are killing it this year to even with thier old age.

  4. I was going to contact you about it but I tried to get more evidence about him and I do have another piece of him saying he will commit suicide and tell me he will keep bashing me and my friends. I also wanted to wait till the right time and sure as hell couldnt be a better time.

  5. please tell me you saved that. sounds hilarious

    I believe I have a couple some of which him stating he was going to kill himself.

    Here is a sample: 



    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:13:16 AM): I made Grave Digger 2013 Edition
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:13:23 AM): Cloned and Everything
    Dre1000 (9:13:24 AM): pic?
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:13:28 AM): Ya
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:13:31 AM): Let me get it
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:15:01 AM): Once again Not done still a little more work
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) sent screenshot_2.1.png at 9:15:05 AM
    Dre1000 (9:15:22 AM): chris alrdy made one though...
    Dre1000 (9:15:29 AM): looks great though
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:15:34 AM): Oh well, I did it to...
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:16:19 AM): Lol I've been making things with PatroticCandian Latley Testing out his Spiked Maxd With him, He did great job on it but It's not textured yet, I'm working on Texturing it
    Dre1000 (9:16:20 AM): okay
    Dre1000 (9:16:35 AM): ummm how can tht be
    Dre1000 (9:16:39 AM): when he isnt finished
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:16:44 AM): The body is made
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:16:50 AM): There is no Textures...
    Dre1000 (9:17:01 AM): but only has it in blender....
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:03 AM): So I am texturing it with him...
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:07 AM): No
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:15 AM): We Exported it
    Dre1000 (9:17:17 AM): i can show u in the syp chapter bro
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:21 AM): Ik
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:37 AM): I'm waiting for him to get on... we were testing it Yesterday
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:17:57 AM): Dude he is loveing awesome at blender...
    Dre1000 (9:18:23 AM): umm....
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:18:35 AM): He made a full Human Person in Blender
    Dre1000 (9:19:14 AM): ummm funny thing how the body is still being made and tht if he finished it then he wouldve said
    Dre1000 (9:19:20 AM): instead of showing pics of it in blender
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:20:19 AM): Ya........... Its not finished you just don't get it do you, It's like talking to a wall sometimes, Your patronising him...
    Dre1000 (9:20:33 AM): and ur lying
    Dre1000 (9:20:40 AM): ill be contacting mods
    Dre1000 (9:20:44 AM): we will see
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:21:23 AM): Ok you do what you want, But I have the expendarure existence proof to go right along with it...
    Dre1000 (9:21:35 AM): we will see
    Dre1000 (9:21:42 AM): all these lies are backfiring
    Dre1000 (9:21:47 AM): cause ur a very bad liar
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:22:01 AM): The General Theme of it is just to rat me out and thus humanity will go back at you,
    Dre1000 (9:22:17 AM): wtf are u trying to do
    Dre1000 (9:22:24 AM): dont try to throw big words at me
    Dre1000 (9:22:33 AM): cause all u do is lie
    Dre1000 (9:22:37 AM): and when we proof u wrong
    Dre1000 (9:22:40 AM): u block us
    Dre1000 (9:22:49 AM): so what im going to do is contact PC
    Dre1000 (9:22:58 AM): and ill tell him exactly what u said
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:23:24 AM): Your acting cataclysmic, and unforseen sides of Dre, due to unfatham lies told in the innocent expandunrure gross deciving lies of sorrow
    Dre1000 (9:25:01 AM): u obviously am trying to be like PC
    Dre1000 (9:25:03 AM): dont
    Dre1000 (9:25:12 AM): this is evidence against u son
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:25:13 AM): It's funny thus you can't take a simple punch in the gut joke, about testing  beaut that he has inspired, but me and PC have been talking in nerosense about the aduquite handling and making seismic changes to them
    MonsterJamSeriesTv(WildThing) (9:25:32 AM): Sequncial*
  6. Finnally we have one of these. Anyway the Heat are my favourite but they are not going to win the championship. Any team can cause practically all of them are doing good, hell even the bobcats have a win over the Lakers 

  7. He started saying that before i'd even made it.


    Optimistic kid innit he

    And he also tried to act like you. He tried to talk in your very unique language and said you, Justin, Rock, Mark, Kozak and others all helped him beta tests his Breakables.

  8. Simon/Austin/Anthony/whoever he actually is has been a pain in the community's side for a while. And yea, i think he is more like 5. He also ripped off a bunch of other people hard work in breakables, but them on his V4 pack, and called it his own. On top of that, he claims he has Harlow's Max-d... which isn't even ingame yet afaik.

    I have been on the bad end of this stick and I have numerous message of him saying that he had Harlow's work and he doesn't only do this here but in halo reach as well. But I must point out that Simon Holcomb is a real person that this Anthony kid is trying to take the identity of. He is just sad and wants attention as always.

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