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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Finished! Now can someone tell me how to make it a track without using toolkit, i no people do it.
  2. lol rave digger other than that great job
  3. adding texture i feel my best blender track;)
  4. thanks its in early stages. big credit to arf for ground texture
  5. This is just a quick custom world finals. its a mix of some of the passed wf and it is modern(on dirt) ps i have something special i am going to do with all my tracks. oh and dont pay any attention to cars i just threw a texture on them
  6. Go on youtube..

  7. Rock contact me

  8. well i actually added tom bc thats the people i no off but yea i agree i no but sm staff is not going to let everyone help. i mean if rock can help me out a little with texturing and some other stuff i think i will be kinda good and be pretty close to him. i just need to figure out how to export the track with using toolkit like rock does, i ask him on youtube (hint rock hint). I no me and rock used to talk all the time. hell i used to export his SKETCH UP tracks. i've always learned from him. Wait i couldnt leave out Mark, and Tom, they helped me a lot too. sorry to count everyone out. i apologize to all of you peeps out there:)
  9. Love the profile, looks pretty i want one:) thanks for all the help btw

  10. no he is not ;0 and yes me, mark and hopefully tom will replace rock once he leaves. well if i get invited to help out with sm. (i havent so) on topic: im building sort of a tom meents backyard with a lot of jumps and a backflip ramp. the same one oh he practiced for it. i felt like doing it and the textures arent great because i want to get it done but i will redo them probably tomorrow
  11. when you leave if im not as good you better make me. hey i have been getting better, though. ill caught up one day. all i really need help with is texturing ive been practicing around with jumps on my spare time and there coming along
  12. I am the worst texture person ever! but her is freestyle I just noticed i forgot to color cars
  13. A HUGE thanks to Liquidfire so i can get this track back up and running. Finish line looks to big doesnt it? Ill fix that. annd texture is not very dirty bc i forgot to and i dont feel like going back and doing it, i dont have that time. if you do want to do it pm me. but im not giving the texture to just anyone. Honestly Im out of stadium ideas so yall give it a name (message me {DONT POST A REPLY ON HERE})
  14. honestly i have no idea what that is but when i get home i will check i did some research on it the changed some settings and now im back up and running, thanks LF
  15. name:hankertard (hank) aim: know it Well should Truck:Ill take ground pounder i guess i can help judge and time with my iphone4s
  16. Oh yes how the New Orleans Saints WUPED the Colts. Go Saints! (if you havent guessed i live in louisiana) back on topic oh i remember that track its ok
  17. know need for wording this big and in bold. we can read. and its most likely the truck
  18. i might have worded wrong but like you see in the pic how on ones the lines are straight(thats what i want) and on the other the lines are curvy. how doo i turn the curvy lines back to straight lines.
  19. Anyone want to help, im out for night. Rock,Casey. Brain, Tom,Mark someone help
  20. nice, looks like arena, might be to small as in length of racing, and doesnt look straight like the bus
  21. Umm I found out its not texture. I started redoing it and since im to lazy i started to figure out stuff well it was a wireframe. its curvy not straight. so if you know what im talking about please help the brother out. [img=http://hostingbytes.us/images/3/7902370.png] Copy this ^^^From http to png^^^ to a new tab
  22. [post=http://youtu.be/6nu7zQwRGys]http://youtu.be/6nu7zQwRGys
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