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Tom P.

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Files posted by Tom P.

  1. I made this a long long time ago. The track is a replica of the 2012 Southaven event ran by Toughest Monster Truck Tour. Enjoy!
    831 3
  2. Pretty simple track I made a few weeks ago for Dan Agosh. This was my first time painting with Photoshop and I was very pleased with the results. Thanks to Klayton for helping me out with Photoshop and Dan for helping me Beta test. Enjoy!
    1,009 3
  3. I made this track a really long time ago and I never released it. But here it is. Enjoy

    Cars and Car Textures-Casey
    Textures- Google and Me
    1,420 4
  4. I decided to paint 2 of my all time favorite trucks a few days ago and I am pretty pleased with the results of some of my first hand painted trucks I've done.

    Paints, Prop setup - Me
    Shock Placement - Jon Cannon
    Body - John Dough
    Chassis - Kozak
    Props - V4/V5 staff
    Rims - Edy

    Thanks to Chadwick, Jon, Dan, and Aaron for helping me test.
    984 8
  5. This is a track I made a few weeks ago, but never made it's way to the downloads section.


    Track model - Me
    Car models - Klayton
    Stadium Model - Klayton
    Track Paint- Me
    S3 Banners - Casey
    818 1
  6. Here is Virginia Beach 2014!

    I loved the track layout so I decide to make this awesome track. The racing is straight line drag and the freestyle features a cool vegas style middle jump and 2 bus stacks.
    Mirror 1 is High Resolution and Mirror 2 is the FPS version.
    I hope you all enjoy!

    Track Model - Me
    Track Texture - Klayton and Me
    Car Models and Textures - Slick
    Backhoe texture and model - Terminal Reality
    Various textures on the track - Klayton, Google, Me
    Mark Colineri - Jersey Barriers

    And to everyone that tested this project.
    Johan Seminario
    Mark Colineri
    Dan Agosh
    Aaron Lurie
    Julio Vellon
    Devin Doss
    Mason Watts
    and more!
    1,314 4
  7. Well here it is! Farm Road 29. I really had fun making this track and I hope you guys have fun racing with friends! One thing I would like to note is that once you backspace, you will fall under the track. It does get very annoying when racing with other people so what my testers and I did was save our positions at each check point and we would spawn back to the most recent check point we past, So if I rolled in the middle of the 1st check point and 2nd check point, I would spawn back to the 1st check point. Thats basically
    it! Any questions or comments? Please ask or comment.


    Models: Me
    Textures: Terminal Reality/Google
    Track Designed by Terminal Reality

    Thanks to my testers

    Mark Colineri
    Klayton Halog
    Johan Seminario
    Matt Wilkinson

    Also want to thank:
    Klayton for helping me set the spawn

    AND Brian Langford for helping me get started.

    Here is the Race course for those who don't know
    1,096 14
  8. This is my latest track. It is being released for the ORL season opener.

    Track model: Me
    Track Texture: Me
    Skybox model and texture: Steve Harlow
    Cars: Casey/Brian

    780 5
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